Ch 24

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I'm still bouncing ideas around in my head on how to tell my dad, mother and I sat down but she didn't say anything to him. The food was getting close to being done and the smell of cheap burgers and hot dogs filled the air. At first it smelled good but my body shortly started rejecting the idea of eating and made me feel sick. I've been sitting at the table quietly trying to push the urge down and Xavier's been effortlessly amusing my parents with a watered down version of his life story.
   It's probably looking very suspicious that Xavier is sitting with my family now and I've caught a few looks from others. Bianca hasn't made much of an appearance again fortunately. Although I know it's because of her mother and I feel bad for her in a way. If my mother was like that I wouldn't have even been able to tell her that I'm pregnant.
I don't think I care much anymore if people find out about bus being together. It seems like everyone saw it coming except us. He was hoping and reaching but I was avoiding and suppressing. But here we are now. Dating for four month and three months pregnant. Looks great on us.
Before I knew it however the food was done, Xavier offered to her mine which I accepted, although Tim still unsure if I want it. Up until this point he's been getting along very well with my dad but he doesn't know that his little death trap has news for him. My mother however has been delightfully playing along as if I never told her but I expect a long conversation later.
Xavier sat a hot dog in front of me and my parents got their own portions, Pugsely in particular is excited for his meal. As expected I was neuseated by the smell of the food. I'm trying really hard to suppress the feeling of throwing up, "you're so quiet hunny, what's on your mind?" My father asked.
"A million things at once." I answered vaguely.
"That's my girl, smart as ever." He joked back clearly not understanding that I was serious. Xavier put his arm around my waist and squeezed gently to comfort me. I'm starting to wonder just how strong his psychic abilities are because he can always tell exactly what I'm feeling.
My foods starting to get cold and I give into trying it so I don't look as out of place, that one bite was all I needed to be sent running to the bathroom. Xavier followed me quickly and left the rest of my family in the dust and very confused.
  I emptied my already empty stomach into the toilet so quickly I didn't even have time to lock the door behind me. I felt a terrifying pain shoot through my stomach and I wrapped my arms tight around my belly to try and soothe it. Xavier ran in after me and locked the door behind him. "Oh my god Wednesday! What's wrong?" He frantically asked running over to me.
"I don't know, I threw up from the food and now it hurts, bad. Oh god I hope she's okay." I cried in fear. My lover scooped me into his arms and sat me back into his lap. My hands stayed glued on my belly and his followed, I sent us into a vision to feel the baby. I was frantic and couldn't decipher the feeling so I hoped Xavier could.
"Wens, first of all she's hungry. Second of all she's kicking!" He exclaimed happily
"Oh yeah she did that earlier but it wasn't as bad, guess I should try eating. Sorry baby, bad habits die hard I guess." I said to her and leaned my head into Xavier for comfort,
"Sorry for panicking, I just want her to be healthy."
"It's okay Wednesday, so do I. What did your mom say?" He asked
"The generic mom questions like, why you're so young and are you two ready? Blah blah blah. But she wasn't upset, if anything she's happy." I told him, "We need to tell my dad though." I followed that with.
"That's going to go over well I hope, we need to tell my dad too. If he even deserves to know." Xavier replied.
"We'll figure it out. At this point I don't even care if people know we're together I just don't want them to know about the baby." I expressed to him. I want to be all over him I need it. I also can't wait to go back to being myself but I guess I'll just "enjoy" being pregnant for the next few months first.
"Alright we'll let people find out for themselves and it is what it is. Everyone knew it was coming." He replied.
  He stayed there for a moment with me before we decided it was time to rejoin our family. Hand in hand we walked back to the quad together. "Oh my darling we had no idea you were sick." My dad exclaimed when we made it back over and he pulled me into a big hug. Xavier and my mom exchanged a look of "whose going to tell him" but I could tell they mentally agreed it would be me.
"Do you have a fever? Let me check." He said starting to draw attention to us.
"Father can we take this somewhere private." I whispered to him as he attempted to place his hand on my forehead.
"Yes of course let's go." He said and dragged me away. I motioned for Xavier to stay with Pugsley and keep him company and my mother went with us.
"You don't have a fever? What's wrong?" He asked me again "I'll get you the best card possible." He promised.
"I'm not sick father." I confirmed to him.
"Then what's wrong? Was the food no good?" He questioned.
"No I just didn't have the appetite for it." I replied, "please don't kill me." I asked him
"Why would I want to do that?" He asked back.
"And don't kill Xavier." I requested.
"We'll see about that what did he do to you?" He got skeptical.
"It wasn't just him it was both of us." I mumbled out. My mother was by my side in this moment and placed a hand of encouragement on my shoulder.
"Go on you can tell me." He insisted.
"I'm sorry dad, I'm pregnant..."

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