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  I knocked the wind out of myself as usual and the shock didn't help at all. I know I hit the floor and when I came to Enid and Thing were standing over me. "OMG Wednesday, what just happened. I heard a thud then Thing woke me up and you're on the floor." She panicked and Thing crawled onto my leg visibly shaken by my sudden fall.
"Yeah I'm fine guys, I was trying to get some water in the dark and I tripped over my feet, I must have hit my head or something," I lied of course, I'm not ready to face whatever that was with someone else.
"Should I take you to the infirmary? What if you have a concussion?" She was still freaking out.
"It's okay I've taken worse falls let's just go back to sleep." I reassured her. She was almost crying the poor girl is gonna worry herself to death one of these days. We got up though and I walked her to bed, ironic I know. I tucked her in with thing and reassured her I was okay.
  I crawled back into my own bed and when I heard Enid's snores I knew I was in the clear. Before I run out I decided to try one more time so I put my hand back in the same spot and sure enough I was sent back into my vision. Nothing to see only to feel. I could feel the life in me and I knew it wasn't me, which is very concerning. I removed my hand after a few minutes of feeling this life and came back to my senses, to my surprise I was crying. I have to get to the bottom of this now since there's no way I'm sleeping, it's only... 1:30am I'm sure I can get what I need in Jericho.
I gave it another half an hour and periodically checked the feeling, kinda hoping it would just go away. It didn't. So around 2am I crawled back out of bed careful not to wake Thing because for something with no ears he hears me well, and cracked open the door and took off down the hall.
The hardest part was sneaking out of the dorm hall but it was nothing I haven't done before and I made it out no problem. I wasted no time changing in my dorm so I'm still wearing my black pajamas with a long coat and braids so loose they may as well have not been tied up. Jericho was a bit of a walk from here but I didn't care I need to do this now, when I'm alone. I know it will be Enid's business and definitely Xavier's but for now it's mine.
I made it to the town at about 2:35am and I'm exhausted but restless. There was a 24 hour gas station and convenience store in the center of town and I figured that was my best bet. Now for the best part. Hang my head low in shame and find what I need. Fortunately other than the clerk, who was a middle age woman, I was alone in there.
  I had to walk up and down every aisle of course until I got to the one I needed and then what. What the hell do I need. Fuck I need my mom right now but I'd never admit it to her. "Ovulation? Drug? Pregnancy?" I whispered to myself and started reading the many test boxes. I knew I didn't need the drug test even though I want this to be a bad trip. Process of elimination brought me to ovulation and pregnancy. I was so focused I didn't hear the door open and as I was googling what both were, honestly embarrassing that I don't know which is which. Maybe I should have taken Enid. "Addams? What the hell are you doing out here this late." A familiar voice asked me. I quickly shoved the boxes in my jacket, "Nothing! Just went on a walk sheriff Galpin." Of fucking course I thought to myself.
"Oh yeah then what's in the jacket? Are you stealing?" He asked again
"Ya know what I don't even blame you right now, no I just don't want anyone seeing anything." I responded, I know arguing is going to get me nowhere right now.
"Show me what you got." He insisted.
I hung my head low and handed him the two boxes, "Well you won't need both of these at the same time, did Morticia not give you any kind of talk?" He asked
"I was hellbent on never falling in love or even being interested in a man." I responded "If she had I wouldn't be here right now."
"Well I'm going to assume you need the pregnancy test, no one goes out at 2am to see if they're ovulating." He answered and out that box back. "Plus you weren't well the other day with your new boy, by the way you're back at the not falling in love thing, but process of elimination tells me you need it." He was right unfortunately. "It's not my Sons right? It's been too long for-"
"No." I cut him off quickly. "We didn't get that far and he didn't actually care about me. He literally stabbed me. Figuratively and literally." I snagged the right box from him and proceeded to the front of the store.
I put my box up for the clerk and she gave me a nasty look, "are all Nevermore kids this irresponsible?" She asked and it made me feel six feet under, and not in the good way. Before I could say anything Galpin jumped in, "Diane watch your mouth, especially with this one." He told her off for me, probably thinking I'd say something worse. Normally he'd be right but I don't have it in me. "Now how much is it?" He asked which surprised me, "$4.99 sir." She answered bluntly. "Fine keep the change." He handed her a five dollar bill and slid me the test.
"You didn't have to do that." I told him while he walked out of the store with me.
"Not but we've been at each others throats enough and I'm assuming since your boyfriend and werewolf aren't here you haven't asked for anyone else's help and we could all use some help sometimes." He answered "My wife's gone, my son is too far gone. There's not much I have left to care for other than myself. So I'll keep my eye on you, I'll give you my number I know you're stubborn but you might need it." He offered. I could sense his pain, probably a sign of hormones in me but whatever. I offered him my phone and let him put his number in it, "I'm not in a position to be stubborn anymore. You were a good father sheriff, don't let what happened with Tyler fool you." He smiled
"Come on Addams I'm taking you to the school, I'll see you next week at Tyler's trial."

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