Ch 15

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Opening day of the trial is upon us, they don't have us speaking today but they want us to attend all the days so we can be available when they need us. The sheriff and I are the main detectives in this case so it makes sense that they want at least me there all the time. I was accompanied by Xavier of course and Enid who brought along Ajax. Weems came as well and the rest of our "friends" like Bianca and Eugene will be in on other days because they might volunteer their own testimonies. I'm surprised Eugene is coming, he was very traumatized by the attack.
"Ready Wens?" Xavier asked me while adjusting his tie in the mirror, "As I'll ever be. Are you?" I asked him back.
"As I'll ever be." He also said
We were getting dressed in our more professional clothes, Xavier in a suit, that looked amazing on him, and I was wear a pinstripe blazer with matching pinstripe pants and a pair of heels. I imagine Enid is doing something similar.
We stopped by my dorm to pick her up and headed to principal Weems office. "Alright I have rides arranged for us for anytime we're needed throughout this ordeal, I'm hoping that Enid and Xavier will be able to escape this with only a few days but Wednesday you will probably be summoned quite a bit. You won't need to attend every hearing and you'll know in advance if they need you but you may need to go back a few times." She explained to us, I'm not surprised but it is disappointing that I'll have to see him a lot. Oh god and if this drags out for months he'll probably notice that I'm pregnant, which is terrifying.
  I pulled Enid into the bathroom before we left and locked the door behind us, "I'm terrified of this." I told her
"Me too Wednesday but you just have to keep your head held up high, walk and talk with confidence and don't throw up. Especially don't do the last one. That might make people raise some eyebrows." She encouraged me
"That'll be easier said than done, these last few days have been a bit better but I'm going to have a hard time hiding this. I still haven't even told Xavier." I told her.
"Well you better do that soon, I know you're scared but he's going to want to know. Plus you can only hide it for so long before he suspects something. You can't blame your eating problems for much longer because your little demon makes you eat a lot." She reminded me.
"Trust me I am aware." I replied
"Well whatever I know you're gonna figure it out but if you're gonna get sick do it now before we leave." She joked, it wasn't a joke though because I did shortly after she said that.
  We quickly made our way to the shuttle and we're rushed off to Jericho's courthouse.
  They shuffled us in and placed us in the stands behind the lawyer's seat, I feel bad for the poor man trying to defend Tyler. This is a murder trial along with an interrogation about where Laurel Gates went. He refused to talk to anyone about her location. Sherif Galpin was stood by the door in the back and he watched as we filed into the courtroom. This must be so hard for him. I don't even know what I'd do if my child did this. And that's saying something since I released piranha's into a pool and they bit a boys nuts off. Which I still think is for the better. But this is further than even I would have gone for anything.
  Finally after we all got settle they brought Tyler out and put him in the stand. He was cuffed with shackles and had a steel cage covering his mouth like a muzzle. He looked around the room for a moment before locking eyes with me, I didn't let my cold face drop to give away my fear but deep down I was terrified. Xavier and Enid sensed my discomfort and noticed his eyes locked on me, they both took one of my hands and squeezed it for reassurance but kept it out of his view.
   Next came the part where they took us all onto the stand to put us under oath, first the sheriff, the rest of the station, principle Me, Xavier, Enid and a few other people. They all recited the same path and after Weems it was my turn, they had him chained like an animal but I know what he's capable of, he was sitting and waiting for an opportunity to strike. What exactly that opportunity was I don't know. He kept his eyes locked on me as I recited my oath, we exchanged glares and I moved on.
  That was fucking terrifying, this was a bad time for my "nerves" to get the best of me. Xavier and Enid were next and Weems was guiding them so I had no one left around me. I tried to sneak of quietly but as soon as Sheriff Galpin shut the doors behind me I took off running to find a bathroom. I felt the piercing stare of Tyler follow me out the door.  I found a bathroom and quickly emptied what I had left in me so I could get back before I was noticed. After I cleaned up I opened the door to the Sheriff, "You okay? I heard you take off running and I figured I'd come after you." He asked. I leaned against the wall and cried trying to keep my face turned from him. "Did you tell Xavier?" He asked me again
"No I have no idea how to, Tyler is terrifying and he's fixated on me." I replied.
"Don't worry about either of those things, Xavier will be fine with everything and Tyler is chained up. It's hard for all of us but we'll be okay." He reassured.
I looked at him at him for a moment before saying, "I hope so, I'm in a pretty bad place with this. I don't know how this thing is making me sick when I haven't even eaten."
"Eat the right stuff, there's a couple things you'll need to take in order to keep you guys healthy for the next nine months. If you stop by to see me at some point I'll take you to get them, and for now have these." He offered and handed me pretzels and water, "Let's get back out there and finish up the day." He said and we walked back to the court room together.

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