Ch 27

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Xavier pulled his dad back into the hallways and shut the door behind them to talk, I'm assuming he's saving the introduction until later. I could hear the light murmuring behind the door for a few minutes before the light taps of his fancy shoes echoed down the hallway. Moments later Xavier re entered my room. "I sent him to the quad and promised to be down in thirty minutes." He told me.
"Did he know I was in here?" I asked.
"Yeah and he told me no funny business with you."
"A little late for that." I replied and uncovered myself to get up.
We took a shower together before getting dressed unfortunately for his dad we couldn't help but have some "funny business" in the shower and ran late to meeting him. It felt like the right way to spite him even if he didn't know.
   We went to the quad to search for his dad but he wasn't there, a few parents were scattered around but none were Xavier's. "Are you sure he's here and we're not both losing our minds?" I asked him.
"No unfortunately I'm sure he's here." He replied.
   A text from Xavier's phone indicated that his dad hand wandered his way to the nightshade library, not sure why I keep ending up down there and I don't want to as often after the book episode from last time but that's where we went. Snapped our fingers twice, the usual and walked down the stairs to be greeted by his father in the middle. He stood tall like Xavier but more confident as he approached us. "Hello again Xavier, you're late." He greeted
"Hi dad, sorry."
"I said no funny business before meeting me down here." He half joked.
"Yeah yeah sorry." Xavier replied slightly embarrassed. I forgot how strong his dads psychic abilities are, I'm not sure what he knows yet, other than our funny business.
"So I have a problem Xavier, do you wanna know what that problem is?" His dad asked
"What's wrong?" He asked back.
"You are hiding it from me but I can't see passed it. She's blocking me." He said and turned his attention to me. I felt the hair on my neck stand, his cold demeanor was matched with his confidence. I had nothing to say yet so I let Xavier do the talking.
"How do you know she's blocking it?" He asked
"I can feel her fear.  She doesn't even know she's doing it." He replied with a smile.
"How about it sweetheart, tell me what you're hiding from me." He requested again.
   Xavier got in between us and pulled me behind him. I can't even think straight right now. I'm blocking his psychic vision, handy trick but I don't know how I am even doing it. "That's enough dad. Why don't you take some time and get to know her before you try and read her entire life. And don't try to intimidate her, she is not one to mess with." Xavier shot at his dad.
"Her name is Wednesday Addams, I know her family well. Morticia is just a wonderful lady, I plan on catching up with them later. She's here for attempted murder at her old school and she's quite a thorn in law enforcements side. Anything else important I should know?" He read me like a book, it was almost scary I stay closed off for a reason and he shattered me it one minute. Xavier sunk, his attempts to hide from his father are failing, I know he's reading his son like a book right now. "And you son, you're developing more psychic abilities. You need to master them." He told his son.
"I'll figure them out myself." Xavier said shortly.
  I want to run and hide, keep my family safe from him. I know he's not dangerous but I fear for how he'll react. There's nothing I can even say to him. I can tell Xavier is defeated, we exchanged looks for a moment and nodded. His dad practically had his hands around our throats choking us for the information.
"Look dad, you're going to be mad." He started with.
"I know I will be." He replied.
"And her and I are okay, despite everything."
"Get to the point son." He demanded.
"Ugh fine dad, I got her pregnant." He spit out. I could feel his fear, the hand on my shoulder keeping me behind him went cold and tense. There was an unnerving silence in the air that made my hair stand.
"Son,  you are a fucking idiot." He said to Xavier, he put his arm over his chest and a hand on his face. "I say that genuinely, this is the dumbest thing you could have done."
"I know I'm sorry but it'll be okay her and I have had plenty of time to think." He replied.
"Clearly you thought none of this through. You can't even control your powers for god sake and you think you can handle a child." His voice was raised and aggressive.
"Look dad I know this is dumb but we can't take it back now. Either leave us here alone and never talk to me again or support us. The choice is yours." Xavier stood his ground.
"You're fucking insane if you think I'm listening to you, you clearly don't know what's good for you. Im taking you home and homeschooling you so you stay out of trouble. You're talent is unique and your future is too bright to have a child now." His dad threatened, the room went cold, he was going to take Xavier from me.
   I wanted to cry and scream but I couldn't do anything, I froze. The trail was going to resume soon and I have to make something to sedate Tyler. I need Xavier with me.
"I'm not going with you Dad." He yelled back.
"You have no choice son! You're coming home with me and that final. This girl will not get in the way." He yelled back and silenced us both.
  He turned around and began to walk away, "I'll meet you at your dorm with your stuff packed. If you refuse to go I'll make arrangements. You know better than to say no to me." And just like that he disappeared, leaving Xavier stunned and silent and me crying behind him.

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