Ch 30

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***30 chapters yall!!! Hope you're still enjoying. I added a Wavier piece I've created in the top of this chapter. It's unrelated to this chapter but still. Hope you call keep enjoying it!***

What do I even do now? I haven't left my room in days. Part of me is embarrassed for the display of affection when Xavier was taken by his dad but an even larger part of me is nothing but sad. Sad he's gone, sad that I don't know when I'll see him again and sad that I have to be his without him. I'm descending back into my dark place, one that reminded me why I stay closed off. And then my door was knocked on, great. I sent Thing to open it for me since he's the only one with me,I hope it's just Enid forgetting her keys.
"Hey Wednesday, no one's seen you since ya know what happened." It was Bianca unfortunately. My boyfriends ex is standing in my doorway, as I'm currently laying in bed wearing his clothes. That I have been in wearing for since he left. She let herself in and led herself to the bed I was laying down in.
"That was the point." I grumbled back, my blanket was pulled up to my chin.
"Enid told me you'd say that. She also told me that chicken nuggets might make you feel better but she hasn't been able to get off campus." She joked back and held up a familiar bag.
"Nothing ever makes me happy. But I will take your peace offering." I poked my head out slightly before sitting up more and taking the bag.
"Peace offering? Aren't we already friendly?" She asked.
"I'm dating your ex I don't think that's something you'd be thrilled about." I replied
"We all knew it was coming and I've been suspecting you two for a little while." She replied.
"I was in his room when you came in and asked for him back. I was in the bathroom and I heard the conversation." I finally told her.
"I'm sorry Wednesday, I wouldn't have done that if I knew you two were together. I guess it's time I move on." She replied sadly, I didn't want to be rude but I thought to myself 'no shit.'
I did however start eating my chicken nuggets with her. Stupid Xavier made it my stupid comfort food. We ate mostly in silence she asked the basic, when did you start dating, why were you keeping it secret, are you okay questions. She accidentally put me in a position where it's hard to not show her I'm pregnant. I don't want to show her yet but I've grown a lot from the petite frame she's used to even though it's still early in my pregnancy. Oh god it's still early. He better fight his way back to me sooner rather than later.
"I have the serum I need to stop Tyler when they restart the trial. I gave one dose to Enid and I have another. I think I'm going to give the first to sherif Galpin." I explained to her.
"Are you guys in good enough terms for him to agree to you drugging his son?" She asked.
"Believe it or not yes." I told her.
"I never know what you're up to Wednesday but it's always interesting." She joked.
"You don't even know the half of it yet." I joked back.
"Oh? Explain." She half joked.
   I shrugged in a 'you'll see' sort of way and flashed her a small smile, which seemed to unnerve her even more.
"I'll say this again, you Addams's are weird."
"You have no idea. They came up to me to say goodbye and you'd think their world was ending." I replied, "it's good though I don't know what I'd do without their support. Admittedly I've made a lot of bad choices." I expressed.
"Yeah the attempted murder charge is something, you guys must be powerful to get it dropped." She replied
"Very but that's not the point. He still deserved it. And there are other things not just that but I don't know." I trailed off. It would probably be good to tell her now, I'm losing my support system and she's been genuine.
"You can tell me about it. You've looked exhausted for weeks and you haven't been acting the same. What's been going on?" She's attempting to pry it out of me. "Whatever secret you're keeping is safe with me." Still coaxing me.
   I am really bad with my words apparently because now I don't even know how to, "Ya know what take your time. You're a mess right now. Do I get permission to help you get cleaned up? I'll let you beat me in an argument or something in return." She offered.
"As if I'd lose and argument to you but go ahead." I gave her permission and she quickly got started on an outfit, "Go shower or something while I work." She insisted and got to work with Thing trying to style me. I let her have at it and snuck to the bathroom for the much needed shower.
   I kept it short, just washed my hair and freshened up, even brushed my teeth for the first time today. I put Xavier's sweatpants back on but just the tank top and not the hoodie this time. I figure that I'll just let her see for herself as the sweats hung low and my boobs hardly fit in the tank top anymore.
   I emerged from the bathroom finally to see Bianca with her back turned to me as she set stuff down on my bed for me to wear, from what I could see she pulled out my black tiered maxi skirt with a lace lined hem, good choice, and a pair of my vintage platforms. "Alright Wednesday, time to pull yourself together for him. He's gonna need your strength, his dads a force to be reckoned with." She said admiring her work.
"Thank you Bianca, looks like your picks were in good taste." I said and walked over to her.
"I try... oh my god." She said startled as she finally turned around and got a look at me.
"Our secrets safe with you?" I questioned and she nodded, "Thank you, few people are supposed to know."
   I walked over to my bed and admired the rest of the outfit, a black tank top with some mesh gloves to match the socks. A bit much for me but I'll let it slide today and put the outfit on.
"So are we not going to talk about it?" She asked when I sat next to her to put on the shoes.
"What do you wanna know?" I asked.
"I don't know." She replied.
"Well, we're having a girl, I'm three months pregnant and I can do this," I replied and took her hand against my belly and let her feel the presence.
   Interrupted by a hard kick I broke us out of the trance and looked at her stunned face. "Holy shit, a baby girl? That's amazing Wens, Xavier is going to make a great dad. I know you're young but a lot of people have kids at 18 you're in good hands." She assured me and put a hand on my shoulder.
   I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror finally and walked over, I still looked like me until I tightened the fabric over my belly. Now I look like me but pregnant. I couldn't help but cry, "Thank you Bianca, I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't come back to me soon." I kneeled on the floor sobbing next to her.
"We're all here for you Wednesday, Enid and I plus Thing and whoever else. We've got your back and I know he'll come back to you soon."

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