Ch 3

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Enid requested I go down to the quad to eat lunch with her and Ajax as soon as possible and fortunately he invited Xavier as well so we both had a reason to be together. I wanted to go to my dorm and change into my normal attire but we were stopped when we saw principal Weems walking toward us, I made Xavier move so she didn't see us together and I got sucked into a conversation with her, "Well look at that you got normal nevermore colors on I never thought I'd see the day, and you're wearing your hair different. You truly are a different Wednesday today." She said and before I could respond I got a call from Enid that I picked up, "Are you heading to the quad now or what, you scared me half to death AGAIN last night."
"Yes Enid I'm coming." I responded
"Hurry" she said and hung up
"Scaring your roommate? Somethings run in the family I guess, I'll walk with you down there I was going down that way as well. Make sure you don't get into any trouble." She laughed as if anything has come up since Crackstone.
I walked with her in silence hoping Xavier was smart enough to go down without me and sure enough he was, thank god. I slowly made my way over trying to avoid unnecessary attention, as if the blue pants helped at all. I just kept a straight face and kept going.
I found my seat next to Xavier and in front of Enid and the table went quiet. "Wednesday? Is that you." Enid asked
"Yes why do you ask?" I responded
"Have you seen yourself today? You have color on and your hair is different, where did you even get those?" She bombarded me with questions, "They're an old pair of my moms that I kept stored away but I haven't don't laundry so I have to suffer with today. As for the hair I lost my hair ties this is the best I could do." I answered her.
I noticed Ajax shoot a look at Xavier, god I hope he doesn't put the pieces together. The paint stained sweatpants though are a dead give away, as long as neither of them saw it I'd be fine but Ajax is definitely on to me.
"Hey why don't I go get the food for us, Wednesday, Xavier, the usual?" Ajax asked us I nodded and Xavier answered, "Yeah thanks buddy,"
"Hun why don't you come with me," he gestured to Enid, probably to distract her and get the subject to change.
Fortunately the quad was mostly empty aside from a few people on the other side and other passerby's, I took that moment to lean my head onto Xavier and sigh, "That went exactly as I expected, terrible. And I'm going to get lectured later." I said to him
"Oh you definitely will unfortunately but I can make it worth the risk anytime," he teased
I pulled my head away and looked at him, "I think I'll take you up on the sooner rather than later." I shot back, I wanted to kiss him so bad but we heard Ajax and Enid make their way back and I had to settle for an under the table hand squeeze.
Lunch was just pizza, nothing I was used to at home but here it was normal. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started eating, I mindlessly ate like half a box throughout the lunch and was stopped by Xavier. He out a hand in on my lower back to get my attention and sent me a text saying, "You okay you're eating a lot more than usual and although I love to see you finally eating it worries me."
"Oh god yeah I think I was just starving from last night I haven't been eating then all that." I texted back
"Be careful before you make yourself sick" he responded
The rest of the table seemed to notice the significant portion I ate and it startled Enid, "Wens, we talked about this you need to take it slow if you're binging." She whispered "Last time it out you in so much pain after you didn't leave your bed." She warned and she was totally right I could already tell this wasn't gonna sit well unfortunately. But this didn't go over Xavier's head, my eating problems had been unknown to anyone except Enid for a while now, "Wait are you okay has this been a thing I didn't know?" Xavier questioned throwing our under the table texting to the wind but I had to stay in character. "It's none of your business Xavier don't worry about it." I responded
"I'm your friend I'd like it to be my business."
"Well it's not and it's not a problem Enid I've been doing fine." I told both of them
I was worried for a minute that I scared Xavier off but his gentle leg squeeze followed by a "talk about it later?" Text reassured me it was fine. Unfortunately what wasn't was the food, I never get sick but it gives me a terrible pain in my stomach that leaves me unable to move. "I'm going back to our room now." I said quickly and left the table.
"She accidentally overdid it again." I heard her say sadly before getting up to follow me back. Ajax and Xavier on the other hand cleaned up and went off on their own.

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