Ch 31

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  She decided we were going "out on the town" for a "girls day" with me and Enid. It sounded dreadful. Once Enid came back to our room I was dragged out for what they were promising would be fun. To make matters worse Enid was gushing over my outfit.
   Finally though we were off campus and on our way to Jericho. I don't even know what for it's too sunny out to enjoy the day. My rose colored glasses that Xavier put over my vision disappeared with him. Everything is abysmal but I guess I'm glad to be out of the school. Part of me never wants to go back, I may just be a single mother at this point.
Bianca stopped at a picnic table under a tree, "Alright time for lunch guys." She said cheerfully. I sat in the darkest spot and laid my head on my hand, tired again. "Come on Wednesday, cheer up a bit everything will be okay." Enid attempted to reassure me.
"Nothing will be and even if it is it won't be soon enough." I replied, I admit I am being pretty dark but it's too soon. I've grown as a person I'm not the cynical, nosey depressed girl I was when I walked into Nevermore. I opened up to a few people and now I feel as if I'm back to square one again.
"Hey look it's those Nevermore freaks." I heard from the background. You'd think they'd all be passed that by now.
"Come on guys, they're not doing anything wrong." I could hear Lucas plead with them.
"Yeah right Lucas just shut up and follow me." The other boy, I believe named Carter, said leading the trio.
They stood at the end of our table and attempted to intimidate us, "Sup Nevernerds." One of them teased.
"Please I can feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head. Just mind your own business." Bianca spoke for the group.
"Yeah seriously let's leave them alone." Lucas spoke up again.
"Stop being such a loser Lucas. What's your problem?" They turned to bullying him.
"He's the only one in your group with a brain and he knows better." Bianca again spoke up.
"Watch it before I get your ass in trouble. Just an innocent boy attacked by a raging Nevermore student." He fake cried before slamming his hands on our table and getting in our face. I could feel the tension rising but I kept my voice down.
"Get the hell out of here boys before I arrest you for harassment." I heard come from behind them, it was the sherriff. The boys scurried off and Lucas profusely apologized, especially to Bianca. I can see some  thing between them but I don't think they do yet.
"Hope they weren't too much trouble for you gals." Galpin said to us
"It was short lived." I replied
"You should head back to campus, trials resuming next month so get yourselves ready." He replied before walking off.
  Shit next month already, I want to put this behind us so bad but it keeps creeping up. I sent Bianca and Enid home before stopping by the sherrifs office.
"Welcome Mrs Addams come on in and take a seat." He invited
"Afternoon sherif. I have an offer for you." I replied taking a seat
"Go ahead then."
"I discovered a way to temporarily block a Hyde from coming out. My mother helped make the serum incase we needed it for an emergency." I replied
"Not too sure how I feel about that Mrs Addams." He replied
"Look sherif, Xavier's gone, his dad stole him from me. I have no one left to face the last days of those trials with and I fear for what Tyler would do if he found out about my baby. I needed a backup plan and I found one." I admitted to him.
"Well I'm sorry to hear about your boy, I hope he finds his way back to you soon. This is dangerous stuff though and we have to be careful." He replied
"I see your point and I don't want him dead or anything but he could kill any of us in an instant, somethjng had to be done. Just take one of the doses and use it if need be. Enid and I have the other two. We can't let him get away with anymore." I offered him the dose in the form of a bullet.
"Unfortunately I agree Mrs Addams, this is going to only be used for emergencies though. Not sure if I can bring myself to shoot my son again." He replied sadly
"I understand sherif, especially now that I'm going to have a baby of my own, I can't imagine how you feel but we'll get through this." I assured him before leaving his office.
   Back at Nevermore I went to my room to lay down, today has been too much once again. It's been hard without him here to help me. I valued my independence but beyond pregnant is too hard for even me to handle alone.
   Thing came over and laid on top of my belly to comfort me. I placed my hand on him and accepted his offer of comfort, close enough to not being a lone I guess.

*** y'all I'm working on another story right now, similar concept to this since everyone seems to love it and might as well do it if it works. Point I'm making is updates will be a lil slower but I'll do my best :) enjoy

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