Ch 2

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I was awoken by Xavier stirring in his sheets, we were still tangled in each other surprisingly so it was hard not to wake me. There was a knocking at the door and Xavier told me to just cover my head and stay hidden for a minute while he answered it.
I could hear Ajax voice on the other side greet his friend, "Hey Xavier, I'm heading over to meet Enid, she said Wednesday wasn't around so she asked me to come over but I wanted to stop by and check on you first. I heard a ton of banging around last night and I'm just making sure everything's good, or maybe it's really good did you have someone over. Last I checked you only wanted Wednesday."
"Yeah thanks buddy everything is fine I was prepping to stretch a canvas and I dropped my materials no big deal. Obviously no one was over Wednesday wouldn't just stop by in the middle of the night. But hey text me if you guys find her she worries me." He responded and quickly shut the door.
I rose up next to him and sat with him for a minute before he broke the silence, "were you just horny last night Wednesday or was it something more?" He asked
"It feels like something more Xavier, I've been suppressing it for a long time now but last night brought it all back. But I'm not 'more than a friend' material I deserve to be alone, I wouldn't be good for anyone." I expressed to him. He planted another soft kiss on my lips, "That's my choice to make and with everything we've been through, and last night I think you're definitely 'more than a friend material' but we don't need to rush that. As far as I'm concerned you're my girl and I won't let anyone touch you or me. But we don't need a label on it if it scares you."
I buried my face into his chest, "If anyone knows you saw me like this you're dead. This is the Wednesday no one's ever seen."
"Well I can't wait to get to know her. How about in the shower." He winked and I followed him to it.
I'm glad he understood what I needed and didn't get offended or mad, there's a reason I'm so hardened and lock up and he's the only person whose been able to soften that part of me. We showered together but kept it "clean" without sex since were both still exhausted from last night but we helped clean each other up. Although we did share the "more than occasional kiss" with each other.
I got out first and wrapped myself in the towel so we didn't drip all over the floor and he followed me shortly after. As I was getting ready to dry my hair I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I was covered in hickey and bite marks, "Wow Xavier you really are an animal." I told him in my usual monotone voice,
"Well Wednesday, you just looked so good there sitting on me like that and submitting to everything I wanted, felt good" he teased pulling me into a hug from behind
"Indeed but if we're gonna keep what we have to ourselves then I need to hide these and I certainly can't wear the clothes I came here in."
He laughed at me and said, "Alright I have some sweatpants that might fit, they're an old pair of Nevermore pants from my freshman year." I practically gagged at the thought of it, "it's better than your 'late night booty call' shorts you came here in last night." He said to sweeten the deal, I gave in and put them on with a pair of his boxers since now all my stuff was too dirty to wear again.
Now I'm sitting in his bed topless hoping he finds something to cover my hickeys, "I can't be walking around dressed like I went shopping in your closet Xavier." I yelled to him
"Yeah yeah but it would look cute." He teased
"I don't do cute." I huffed at him
"Could have fooled me you are a sight for sore eyes right now Wednesday, my pants, my boxers and the rare sight of my girls hair down. Oh and I can see your boobs so extra points." He justified. I just rolled my eyes at him, crazy boy.
My phone started buzzing again, it's been going crazy with Enid texting me and I've been forgetting to answer, waves of "Wednesday where are you???" Texts came flooding in, I told her I took and early walk to town for a coffee this morning and was making my way back and I just hoped she'd leave it at that. But she kept texting and I ignored it to talk to Xavier, "We gotta speed this up, I'll throw in last nights shirt and see what it covers." I told him
It was a crew neck black sweater so it covered my entire chest but it left three exposed on the left side of my neck. Fuck.
"Leave your hair down to cover it." He suggested
"Don't be stupid." I replied back quickly "only you have seen it down don't push it."
He nodded, "Well I certainly am blessed but then put it in a pony tail and drag it over your shoulder for now."
"Well I can only find one hair tie so I'm going to have to. But I hate this." I responded
"Well I love this you look amazing."
I put it in a high pony tail that laid straight on the top and most of the way down until my waves took over and covered my neck.
"Let's just go please." I asked him and we made our way out of the room.

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