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Three months later
   It's another trial day, I'm alone and more pregnant. They've been few and far between and have a lot more safety measures now. It's getting harder to hide now being at six months, I'm on my way to the court house with Enid and Bianca. These last few months without Xavier has been hell and my body is starting to have a hard time supporting my pregnancy. Weems had to be made aware recently and she wasn't happy but she has been supportive regardless.   Enid has her serum, the sherif has his and I have mine. Not saying we're going to need them but I'm sensing an impending doom.
    We arrived at the courthouse shortly and entered as a group, today I was wearing my pinstripe blazer and straight leg pants combination, it's starting to stretch around my bump and show that I'm pregnant. I don't care if people know these days, if they're smart enough to figure it out.
    Sat down and completely unprepared I listened as they opened the day. The verdict for his crimes is obvious. What they need now if to find Thornhill and determine a sentencing. He's not going to give up that information easily if at all.
    Finally he came out, shackles and muzzled and clearly heavily sedated. I don't know if these imbeciles actually know what he's capable of but he won't stay sedated for very long.
"...last person known to have seen Laurel Gates was a Nevermore student by the name of Wednesday Addams. She will be brought of later today for another testimony." The opener finished. I could see the smile on Tyler's face form after my name was said. He knows I'm here now. Enid and I have our injections in a capped syringe in our pockets, she won't be up for questioning but she's my backup if Galpin or I fail.
   He locked eyes with me and it froze me in my seat, I couldn't look away from him as if he had cast a spell upon me. I was staring for what felt like forever, the fear twisted my insides in the most unpleasant of ways. I fought but I couldn't help but let the fear show on my face, I could see a sick smile through his muzzle.
"Alright Wednesday Addams please approach the stand." I was summoned by the judge.
"Alright Wednesday let's get this over with." Enid whispered to me before I got up.
   I regained my composure and stood up, separating myself from the small crowd. In this moment I felt bigger than myself, I felt like a giant in a room amongst tiny people. Although the courtroom only had a few onlookers as well as my friends. The eyes of a serial killer burned into me. I could see that he was looking me up and down, taking in my body. His face turned to an angry grimace as he finally caught a glimpse of my pregnancy. It's all out in the open now for him to see and judge.
    "Mrs. Addams please remind us what your last interaction with Tyler Galpin and Laurel Gates was." She asked me
"It was a year or so ago, everything with the murder case was coming to a head and Laurel had summon the ghost of Joseph Crackstone. While sherif Galpin and Enid were subduing the Hyde I was recovering from a stab wound to the stomach inflicted by Laurel Gates. I then went to join the fight against Crackstone. With the help of Bianca Barclay I was able to kill Crackstone and we both escaped with our lives. Afterwards Laurel pointed a gun at my head and threatened to kill me, which is when Eugene stepped in and disarmed her with the bees and I stomped her face in. I haven't seen her since. By the time police were there to apprehend her she was gone." I finished.
  I kept my composure and told the story in my usual monotone voice. However I could feel the lump building in the back of my throat as Tyler's eyes burned a whole in me. My baby could sense my rising anxiety and started kicking me, not the time. I put my hand on my belly and rubbed it to calm her down which is a sight I hope he didn't see. From the front the stand covers me, from the side however you can see right to me. I heard a disgruntled growl come from him, that did not go unnoticed by the judge.
"Something wrong Mr. Galpin?"" The judge questioned.
"Nothing she just moved on quick." He said in a low menacing tone."
"Look kid, this court has no time for your jealousy. Mrs.Addams has contributed greatly to this court. She is a victim in your crime spree as much as anyone else who is involved is." The judge replied
"And I have no time for this court case. Where ever Laurel is, you will not know." Tyler threatened.
  I left the stand quickly after. My work for the day was done, finally. As I stood in the middle of the courtroom approaching the exit to the seats I heard a loud chain clinking. It hit the floor hard, then another chain near his feet, then the last one covering his mouth. The guards raised their weapons to attack but as they did they fell to the ground.
"Would be ashamed if someone added a paralyzing plant into their coffee creamer." A female voice said laughing as everyone in the room including Weems, Enid and Bianca fell to the paralysis leaving only me on the floor and Tyler free.
    He wasted no time walking over to me in his usual human form, I attempted to run but he caught my wrist first and pulled me towards him.
"Not so bold now are you Wednesday. Ready to lose again?" He threatened me, "Looks to me like there's more to lose now. That's more fun." He stated.
"Tyler you bested me in our last fight but I will not let you win this time." I replied trying to keep my cool.
"You really think you can win Addams, I'd say you're smart but your brain won't save you this time. Although it doesn't look like you've even been using that brain of yours."
"You know absolutely nothing Tyler."
"I know that you're fucking pregnant, who the fuck did you let have you. I should have had my way with you in the coffee shop like I planned, but you knew better and fuckjng ran." He screamed at me.
   My instinct was to cover my belly and protect it from him. He dropped to the floor and I landed flat on my butt, my pregnancy already becoming high risk made my fight or flight try to go off but instead I froze. The man before me transformed himself into his Hyde and went for the attack.

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