Ch 22

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  Family day is approaching and I need my moms help to make the serum for Tyler, I'm missing a neutralizing ingredient that I know we have at home. I've already sent her a message and she plans on bringing it but she wants to be apart of the serum making process. I'm assuming that means she knows something about it but we'll find out in a few days. Fester ended up leaving about a week ago after he stole a car and went on the run again but I know he'll be back.
  I'll be reaching the 13 week mark soon and I haven't had any complications that I know of and my self check ups have been positive. I know as soon as I tell my mom though she'll drag me to one which I guess is fine but we'll find out when she gets here.
"A couple more days Wednesday and we'll be there, I know you've been on edge with everything going on." My mom said to me through the Crystal ball.
"That's one way to put it, this semester has kept me busy in many ways." I hinted back to her.
"Well I can't wait to hear about it and I got enough of that ingredient you needed." She replied.
"Thank you, now I have to go. I have class soon." Which was a lie but I wanted to hang up the call.
"Okay see you soon, I love you." She said
"Love you too." I replied and hung up, I bit my lip slightly after saying that realizing it isn't my usual response but decided to get up and ready like it didn't happen. Enid and I were preparing to go shopping for some new clothes for me since I'm beginning to outgrow mine. "Enid I hate my body now." I said looking down at my swollen belly and sore boobs, which Xavier has been loving.
"Wens you look great cut yourself some slack, no one even suspects a thing about it which is a good sign that you haven't changed that much. Only me, Xavier, Eugene, Fester and sheriff Galpin know." She replied
"Yeah I know you're right but this isn't my body anymore and I don't appreciate it. I wanna stay home and write today instead." I replied
"Nope you do that everyday, you're either coming shopping with me or I'm picking out clothes for you." She threatened, I don't know if anything would be more terrifying than Enid shopping for me.
"Fine." I replied getting ready.
I was finishing getting dressed and walked out of the bathroom to grab my hoodie, which was going to be what actually covered me today when I was greeted by Ajax sucking Enid's face off. I decided to poke fun at them before they noticed me, "Watch it Enid before you end up like me." I said. She and Ajax separated quickly, "What do you mean like yo...oh fuck no way." Ajax started saying. Enid started laughing hysterically and I even let the corners of my lips turn up for a moment.
"When was anyone gonna tell me, what the hell. I gotta go see Xavier." He scrambled.
"We meant to tell you sorry." Enid replied
"And tell no one or I'll pluck your snakes out." I threatened before he scrambled out the door, then back in quickly to say, "Oh congratulations" and scrambled back out.
I'll admit that was pretty funny to see, "I'm glad that's how he found out." I said to the still laughing Enid while putting on my hoodie.
"Me too I know he's about to freak out of Xavier." She said back. We were both ready to go so we gathered up our stuff and Thing and went out.
We escaped campus pretty easily and made it to Jericho, it's been peaceful for a few weeks since Tyler's trial has been out in hold since he tried to escape. I want to talk to the sheriff about my plans but I don't want him to shoot them down, on the other hand he could be the one to do it.
We stopped by the antique store that I got my Rave'N dress at and went in to look around Thing hid in my pocket for this given the fact that the last time he was here he stole stuff. I stumbled across this dress for a baby that had similar ruffles to my dress and it would be matching mine. I took it right away and payed before showing Enid. While there I also got a few pairs of black pants with a stretchy waist band, a baggy dress and a couple of oversized tops. Nothing too out of the ordinary for me but I've been starting to take Xavier's which defeats the whole "secret" part of this. I wouldn't even care if people knew at this point, we've been together for four months and have had chemistry since we met but the baby is a bit much for me to be showing off.
We left the shop and I decided that we needed lunch right away. We were on our way to the Weathervane for the first time in a while when I started getting calls from Xavier, "Hey Wens so you probably know but Ajax knows and he's very excited." He said.
"He seemed scared earlier so I'm glad. Come get lunch with me and Enid, bring Ajax for her." I replied since I was beginning to miss him.
  I was hesitant before walking in but I continued in anyway with the persuasion of Enid and we waited a little while for the boys. Unfortunately I can't have coffee anymore but I did get a BLT for lunch and Enid got a coffee, I think she wanted to rub it in.
  Xavier and Ajax showed up and took their seat next to us and greeted us before ordering there food. "This is nuts guys." Ajax said starting the conversation.
"Yeah we were all pretty shocked," Enid said to her boyfriend.
"We're just taking it day by day for now." Xavier continued.
"I'm not too upset over it anymore, I was pretty stunned at first." I replied.
"I'm sorry we weren't safe, like at all. That's on me." Xavier apologized, I was never mad at him for this although he knew better than me it is what it is.
   I leaned my head on him after finishing my lunch and let the group talk before Xavier piped up and said, "what did you guys buy today?"
"Oh nothing just some basic necessities to fit me better." I replied I didn't want to tell him about the little dress yet.
"Oh yeah 'basic' I see something shiny in that bag." He questioned
"Oh it's nothing." I replied
"I didn't see her but it," Enid continued
I was getting embarrassed but I finally gave in and pulled out the mini Rave'N dress and showed them.
"OMG Wens that's adorable." Enid yelled.
"I love this but wait does that mean we're having a girl?" Xavier questioned.
"I was saving it to be a surprise for you but yes. I've known for a while but I didn't know if you wanted to know." I admitted to him. He scooped me into his arms and gave me a hug in celebration, "I am so excited thank you Wednesday." He replied . I'm so glad he's been so supportive because I wouldn't know how to handle it if he didn't.

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