Ch 19

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  We made our way back to the school shortly after lunch, it's been a long day and we both needed to catch up on school work. We've been pretty much attending regularly again. I didn't however waste anytime showering though. Xavier of course joined me, it's a bit embarrassing for me now but he seems to love it. I guess men really do get more attracted to their partners when they're pregnant.
   He loves putting putting his hands on my belly and kissing me. Its slight curve is bringing more prominent slowly and i know I'm carrying a baby now but I still don't like it. I've had to make such a drastic change from not eating to eating for two. I don't like to admit the strain it's had in my mental health and I especially don't want to stress Xavier.
"Hey pretty mama." He said leaning over me in the shower blocking the water from hitting me. He left me almost speechless for a moment before I got dangerous and replied "Yes daddy." That was all it took. I was scooped up in his arms and gently being pushed into the wall but aggressively being kissed, "goddamnit call me that again Wednesday." He moaned in between breaths."
"Yes daddy." I delivered against his mouth. The mood was taking us, I of course did my research and confirmed that is it safe to have sex while pregnant but I'm saving it for special occasions, this probably being one of them.
   I started to initiate it this time and gave him the signal to go ahead with it, "You sure it's safe Wens?"
"Yes, I made sure, please daddy you can." I replied and he wasted no time getting to business. Rather than immediately getting into like I thought and hoped he would he started with his mouth down there. Oh god I had to hold back moaning since his bathroom was against someone else's room, "Oh Xavier please." I begged as he kept going.  He made his way up my body to my belly and kissed it, "sorry little one it's about to get rough in there." He said before looking up at me with a devilish smile.
   He wasted no more time and put his hard member in me, god it felt so good. "Oh Xavier, I didn't know I had this side of me." I cried into his ear. He made me weak in a way I could accept, a way I loved. "Yeah mama, you like that. I like calling you that. It's pretty hot that the girl of my dreams is taking it from me in my shower and carrying our baby." He praised me.
"I'm just doing what any woman would do for her man." I replied
"Oh yeah Wednesday you're my woman, I wanna show Tyler the woman I've made you . It would destroy him." He said back,
"Emotional torture? You're perfect darling." I said.
  His pace quickened in me and he wrapped his arms around my waist making the feeling of him pounding into me even more pleasurable. "Ah fuck Wednesday." He half yelled as he finished along with me. "Jesus baby, you're amazing." He said as he pulled me into a hug and held me, he turned the temperature of the shower down and made it more comfy. I held him back, I was weak with the way he makes me feel. I found feel my heart pounding in my chest and a pulsing in my belly that we both could feel just slightly. "Damn sorry little one." He said making us both laugh.
   We slowly finished the rest of our shower and actually got clean together, he got out first to grab our towels and wrapped his around his waist before swaddling me in mine. "Xavier I am a creature of darkness, release me from this towel prison." I demanded as he simply laughed and dragged me away.
  And of course to ruin the moment there was a knock at the door, I assumed it was Ajax so we ignored it for a moment. And I let him steal another kiss, and then again, another knock, "Xavier I know you're there open up I need to talk to you." It was Bianca.
"What the fuck could she possibly want right now? It's getting late she needs to go to her dorm." I frustratingly asked him.
"Wish I knew but I don't wanna go find out." He said back. And then another knock, "one second." He finally yelled back.
"Fuck this, wait here and shut the door or crack it if you're curious I don't care." He instructed before putting pants and a shirt on and heading to the door.
"Hello Xavier and freshly showered I see, how are you." I heard her ask and let herself in, I ended up keeping the door cracked.
"I was a lot better before but fine." He replied.
"Well I wanted to talk to you again. I'm just gonna get straight to the point, I forgive you for everything we went through, ya know the breakup, the rave'N and everything. I wanted to get back with you." She demanded, this was infuriating, I wanted nothing more than to go out there and set her straight but unfortunately I was a naked secret in his bathroom at the moment.
  "Absolutely not Bianca. Not only was I not looking for forgiveness for any of those things but I have another woman in my life and she's here to stay." He set her straight right away as he should.
  "Oh please we were great together and there's nothing binding you to this girl. Pick me again we have history."
"Im not even entertaining this, there is far more history between me and her and 'binding' isn't an issue. Please leave my room if you're going to be like this." He was so cold, I was so proud. "We can stay friends but if you start pulling this stuff again I can't even allow that."
  "Ugh fine you're missing out Xavier, and when you see that you'll be lucky if I still want you." She replied about to storm off, "Bianca do yourself a favor and find yourself someone who can really love you. It feels way better that way." He advised and she stormed off.
  As soon as I heard the door click and his sit back on his bed I emerged from the room. I put my pajamas on while I was in there and I joined him in bed. My old tank top was struggling with my new boobs and my shorts dipped below my growing belly now. I laid next to him and was greeted my his long arm snaking around me so he could pull me in closer, "this is way better." He said before gently kissing me again. 
  I took his hand during the kiss and let him feel our baby again. It feels stronger everyday, I still get overwhelmed with the feeling and cry sometimes. I can't wait to go back to being me after this pregnancy is over but I'm reluctant to admit that I'm enjoying it so far.

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