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It all happened so fast, we went back to his dorm to find it cleaned out. I don't even know how he got there so fast. Even the little dress I bought her that Xavier was keeping was gone. We both felt so defeated, I couldn't even talk I was heartbroken and terrified. "It's going to be okay Wednesday, I'm not gonna let him take me away from you." He attempted to reassure me. I couldn't contain myself and I just cried to him, numb and scared. What is he going to do to Xavier if he doesn't go with him, I don't want him getting hurt.
   I spent all my time glued to his side for the rest of the day, I still can't think of anything to say to him. We stopped to visit my parents and Xavier explained the situation to them. My mother called Vincent and tried to talk him down but to no use. He promises to take Xavier home.
   Phone calls, texts, voicemails, all sounded increasingly irritated. Xavier continued to refuse his father but I know he knows his dad's capable of more than he's telling me.
   We slept in my dorm that night since it wasn't an empty, cold reminder of what was coming. I want to stop him but I don't know what I can do, I can't risk getting hurt and we all know that. We hardly slept, just stayed tangled in each other awake but silent.
   The morning came and I didn't know if I should dread it or not, it's the last day of our families weekend stay meaning my parents go home tonight and Xavier's dad leaves hopefully alone. We stayed in bed until noon keeping away from reality and what's to come. Unfortunately we got hungry though.
We got dressed in our casual clothes and went down to the quad. It was busy with kids having their last lunches with their families, it was another day with a scheduled cookout. Today I participated in the food as my body finally let me. I didn't eat much due to the fear I had for Xavier and I. So far all has been quiet, no texts or calls or violent intrusions from his so called parent. Just the occasional student running by us as the quad got more crowded.
It was starting to get busy down here now, Enid and Ajax joined us, Bianca found her group and a few parents came with them. Mine were asleep still and Enid's were god knows where. I was attached at Xavier's hip as if I could anchor him down and keep him here safe with me and our friends. I'd rather he be around Bianca, who by the way was making eyes at our closeness.
"Wednesday, are you going to say anything?" Enid asked me, I have been frozen since yesterday.
"Not until I feel secure again." I mumbled, I've grown used to finally enjoying the feeling of company. After the fallout I had last semester from Enid and Xavier I realized how hard it was before them. Everything is more sensitive now considering all that has happened.
Suddenly the world stopped, a hand grabbed Xavier's shoulder, "I gave you the night and morning with her, it's time." His dad's voice came from behind us.
"I told you dad I'm not going with you." Xavier argued.
"And I told you that you have no choice." He argued back. "Now don't make me use force."
Xavier pulled his shoulder out of his dads grip but that's action was met with a heavy hand grabbing the back of his neck and the other prying us apart.
"I will be the bad guy son, what I say is what goes." His dad said and violently yanked his son back towards him making Xavier fall off the bench and hit the ground hard. With the wind knocked out of him it was easy for his dad  to get his hands back on him and drag Xavier to his feet.
  At this point we have the attention of the whole quad, it was silent as everyone looked on to see what was happening. "Let me go dad! I am not leaving." Xavier yelled back trying to pull away but to no avail.
"Please don't take him from me." I cried out to his dad and jumped out of my seat to go after them.
"I'm sorry Wednesday,  I know the pain you're feeling right now. But if you love my son then let me give me what's best for him." He called back to me calmly.
"You have no right to tell her what's best for me. Even if this would be best for me it does not make me happy and that's what should matter to you." Xavier yelled back.
"Happiness is bad for press Xavier."
"Xavier! I love you!" I yelled before rushing myself over to him. He finally broke out of his dads grip and ran back to me. I was scooped up into the warmest and most heart wrenching hug I've ever felt, despite the few I've received. I was also met with a warm, soft kiss on my lips the felt like it lasted an eternity but still too short. He then planted a kiss on my forehead and knelt on the ground with me. I leaned my head against his and let my tears fall down my face in front of everyone, "I love you too Wednesday, you're the last girl I'll ever love." He said out loud, "Our daughter will have another love from me but my entire heart is with both of yours now." He whispered in my ear.
"That's enough Xavier, enough of this nonsense." His dad interrupted and regained his grip on Xavier.
"Let him go!" I heard from the crowd, it was Bianca joined by Enid and Ajax ready to defend Xavier.
"You kids have no idea what I am really capable of." He said adjusting his posture. I quick flick of his hand sent the three of them flying back, a form of telekinesis certain psychics can possess.
He flicked his hand again and like a magician the pair disappeared leaving nothing but Xavier cell phone on the grass. Great I can't even text him. Enid ran over to me and pulled me into a hug, she reassured me that we'll be okay and that he'll be back. I felt Bianca lurking as well, I didn't expect her to stick up for Xavier and I after our dramatic scene exposing our love but she was there. Offering a hand of comfort as well.
I ran to my parents room and let myself in, I was now alone and unsure of how to handle myself right now. I can't handle being pregnant alone, I need him to help me. My parents were laying in there bed talking to Thing when I barged in sobbing, "Darling, no." My mother put the pieces together quickly.
"He's gone mom, his dad took him away from me and I don't know if or when I'll get him back." I sobbed to her and my dad.
I crawled into their bed and cried into my mom's embrace as she tried to calm me. It was so weak but I have nothing left to feel but weak.

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