Ch 14

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"OH MY GOD." She yelled , "what the hell was that Wednesday?"
"That was my psychic ability, I was able to share my vision with you." I explained
" what was that?" She asked again trying to calm down. "Let me do it again." I instructed, she gave me her hand hesitantly and I took it and placed it back against my stomach. This of course triggered a vision for us and the little feeling of life flowed through me and Enid.
"What...what was that Wens?" She asked looking at me, I had tears streaming down my face, some of it was stress but I'm overwhelmed with the feeling of my baby.
"I'm...uh i don't know how to not freak you out with this." I responded
"It's fine I'm already freaked out." She said back.
"I'm pregnant." I blurted out, and she fainted.
I'm not even surprised but now I need to drag her back to our room, class wasn't even over but it is for us today.
  "Enid, Enid...Enid! Wake up." I shook her and called her trying to wake her up. She finally did, "Oh Wednesday I had the craziest dream, we were in the bathroom and you weren't feeling well and then you showed me this vision and it felt alive, I know I sound crazy, but then you told me you were... holy shit." I interrupted her by handing her the two positive pregnancy tests. "That's what I said." I responded to her.
"I literally don't know if I should scream, hug you or lecture you. You don't like hugs so that's probably out and I don't wanna stress you out because that's not good for a baby, a fucking baby, my Wednesday. Omg I get to be an aunt now though!" She said as she started to get excited but I could tell she's still very confused and concerned. I pulled her into a hug though, this time I need it, "I am terrified." I told her.
"I know Wens, this is scary. Have you told Xavier?" She asked
"No I'm scared to, what if he doesn't want me or it. I can't just get rid of it after feeling it's life flowing through me like that." I told her.
"And he wouldn't make you, especially if he felt it, it was intense. Just like it's mother they're gonna be strong." She said to reassure me.
"How do I even tell him, we have that trail in just a few days, my god imagine if Tyler found out I was pregnant. He would destroy me. Or Xavier. I don't even want to think about it." I told her.
"Then don't just go to Xavier spend the next few days with him and pick the time that's right." She advised
"I guess that will be fine but no one can know, just you, Xavier, Thing and me.  I'm going to hide this for as long as possible." I told her.
"Got it tell no one, Ajax might accidentally find out but I'll try not to tell him." She replied.
"Whatever if he does but I'll nailgun his heart if he tells." I warned.
"Got it, you have to tell your parents too." She said, I fucking almost forgot about that. Maybe I'll wait until family day and tell them in person. It would probably be best, "I'll tell them in person next family day. I shouldn't just call them this is too important."
"That's fair but it's a little while a way you could also ask for a family dinner or something. They'll come." Not a bad idea she had but I'm not handling this right now I need to tell Xavier first and get through next week.
  I'm now sick and tired of myself, that was exhausting. I ever wanna do that again but god knows how many more people I have to tell. On that note I went over to Xavier's dorm where he was relaxing, I knocked on his door and waited for the answer. It of course did and I was invited into his room immediately. "There she is, my favorite raven." He greeted.
"Hello my love." I greeted back, I missed his presence and I needed it right now. Do I tell him now? Should I wait? I don't feel like it's the right time right now.
"Hellooo Wens, helllloooooo." He repeated trying to break me from my trance.
"Sorry I zoned out, I came to ask you something." I told him
"Go ahead" he insisted
"Can I stay with you for a few days, nothing happened I just don't feel like we've spent enough time together the past week and this is an important event coming up." I finished
"Oh yeah yes please you know I love having you here. How have you been feeling?" He asked.
"That's a tough question to answer."
"Oh?" He questioned.
"Don't worry I'm fine." I reassured.
"If you say so but you know you can talk to me, I support anything you need."
  It made my heart beat quicker but he doesn't even know what's coming, that might be a bit more than he's ready to sign up for, fatherhood and motherhood, sounds terrifying. "Thank you Xavier, I'll remember that." I said going in to hug him.
  It was late in the day now so I invited him to shower with me which he of course accepted and I went into the bathroom first. I took a look in his full length mirror at my body, there was a slight curve where my previously flat stomach was but nothing that looked too out of place. "How far along even am I?" I asked myself and touched my stomach attempting to gain control over the visions because I don't want them every time. It took a few attempts but I was able to get to a point where I don't feel the baby, it kinda felt weird and I got a bit concerned not feeling it but I know they're okay. "I'm coming in Wens," he yelled to me and opened the door, I was just there with my underwear and bra on. "Oh yeah I'm a lucky man." He said sizing me up, I couldn't help myself and I let him. He came over and wrapped his hands around my waist and looked down on me, "These barely fit in here," he said referring to my bra. Shit they're already getting bigger. He didn't hesitate to take off my bra and get a good look at my boobs.
"Shall we?" He asked and lead me to the shower.
"Yes please." I replied unable to keep the smile on my face, what's one round while pregnant going to harm, can't get more pregnant. I thought before we went in and got dirty.

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