Ch 23

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Here we are, the dreaded family day. I'm dressed up in my Nevermore uniform with a baggier blouse to do it's job of hiding me and the usual skirt that's still stretchy enough to not cause problems. Xavier said his dad wasn't coming again this year, it spares us the interaction of revealing that we're expecting but I can see that it hurts him.
The notification that our families were arriving came as Enid and I prepared to go down and meet them. For now I'm staying separated from Xavier to keep a low profile but he'll be joining us shortly.
"Hello Wednesday." My mother greeted
"Mother, Father, Pugsely. Welcome back" I greeted in return, as expected my father and Pugsely ran over to greet me with a hug. I maintained my composure for now and attempted to hold myself away from them so they wouldn't notice right away.
"Why don't you walk us to the festivities Wednesday." My mom requested "and I brought what you asked me for but I'm not letting you do it alone." She whispered in my ear.
I guided them to the quad where all the families had began gathering. They settled at a picnic table and began talking to me like nothing was different, as far as they know nothing is. Just "how's school, is the trial in the way of my studies, did Thing almost die again." Questions that bore in comparison to what I have to tell them.
Enid ran over and greeted my family eagerly before she was dragged away by her mom who wanted to ask about her wolfing out and her dad who was staring down Ajax, I assume when he's allowed a word he'll ask about him. I have yet to see Xavier however, I looked around for him a few times, "Something wrong darling?" My mom asked me.
"Shouldn't be anything." I replied shortly, where is he though I wondered, "Those raven murals are lovely I wonder what inspired the artist." Mother asked attempting to change the subject.
"He was looking for his Raven, she escaped him many times, figuring she was unfit for the love he had. Even fell for someone else for a short period of time. But fate pulled the two ravens together finally, she protested but he softened her heart." I explained the vague story of my love story.
"That was beautifully said." Gomez praised.
"I didn't know you could speak so eloquently about love." My mother smiled, I almost didn't know why until I felt two familiar hands on my shoulders. "You forgot about the torture the male raven went through to earn the heart of the female Raven but otherwise well said Wens." I heard Xavier say over my head.
"She's still sorry."'I replied shortly while he transition to the seat beside me.
"The artist I'm assuming?" My mother questioned just a little too happily, "Mother, Father. This is Xavier Thorpe."
"A Thorpe!" My mother exclaimed
"Yes ma'am, you were great friends with my mother." He replied making her smile wider.
"Weren't you the boy that hid in the casket before it got cremated." My mother recalled.
He let out his soft chuckle, "Yeah that was me, Wednesday was actually the one who saved me. I didn't know then that our paths would cross again but I'm glad they did."
"We certainly are too young man." My father exclaimed shaking his hand. Pugsely scooted over and gave him a hug as his greeting which Xavier happily returned.
"You were late, what happened?" I asked him
"I got a last minute text from my dad last night saying he was thinking about coming but I guess he chose not to again." He explained back to me. I could tell it disappointed him, I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze to comfort him, "I hope we're enough of a family for you today." My mother expressed to him. "You guys are more than enough." He smiled and brought one of his ravens to life to greet my mother. "A wonderful power you have there Xavier." She expressed happily.
We still had over an hour until the cookout they planned this year was ready for everyone to have lunch. I needed to excuse my mother and I alone to my room. I know it's private there and I need to pull this bandaid off quick, I wouldn't be opposed to her advice these days. "Mother, can I speak to you alone please." I requested.
"Of course my dear." She replied and got up with me.
"Have fun you two, I'll keep your little boyfriend company and just get to know him." My father grinned, "He better not threaten him." I told my mother.
"Oh hunny, that was a threat." She replied.
I brought her up to my room, no signs of Enid or Thing. Not that they mattered but now we were completely alone.
"You're hiding something." My mother immediately stated.
"You're as smart as ever." I complimented her wit.
"It's not the the trial, and it's not the boyfriend anymore. You have a certain energy about you right now. And you're nervous. You did something." She was narrowing the options.
"I did do something. I few times actually." I responded. How do I even do this? Should I just unbutton the jacket and show her the bump that is now very noticeable, should I show her the test? Maybe the visions? I'm not sure what to do. So instead I did the unexpected and hugged her. Maybe she'll get a vision, or she'll feel it I don't know but my softened heart felt like it needed this.
"Wednesday, are you okay?" She asked me.
"I don't even know how to tell you." I replied and kept my head buried in the hug. This was much harder than telling uncle Fester.
"Take your time." She insisted and hugged me back for the first time in years.
I remained composed although part of me just wanted to cry, I have to tell my mom, "hey I'm pregnant at 16 hope you're still proud of me." That is gonna be tough to spit out, and oh god telling father. I hope he doesn't kill Xavier.
"That's a lovely man you've found yourself Wednesday." My mom stated sitting down on my bed. She picked up the photo I had framed of us the Enid took. "He is, I accidentally got him put in jail last year." I told her
"I guess you could say I did the same thing to your dad last year too." She laughed.
"Mother I'm pregnant." I spit out and turned away from her. I didn't want to see her face, I don't if it's shock or disappointment or maybe she's not phased at all.
"But Wednesday you're so young are you guys okay with this?" She asked and I could feel her reaching towards me.
"We've had a lot of time to think since finding out. We're scared but it'll be okay. I'd like to hope I have you guys still if I need you." I expressed to her.
She pulled me into another hug, "You'll always have us."
  I let out a sigh of relief and hugged her back. "How far along Wednesday?" She asked.
"Somewhere around 13 weeks I believe." I replied.
"And you haven't told us. Not sure if I should be hurt. Show me." She requested.
"It felt more important to have this conversation in person and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it. No one even knows him and I are dating or expecting except Enid, Ajax and Eugene." I replied and began unbuttoning my jacket to show her my bump. The baby was sitting lower making my bump appear larger, taking up most of my midsection and sticking out a fair bit from my body. I sat back on my bed with her and let her face a better look, she reached out to place a hand on my stomach and I put my hand on top of her to show her what I feel. "A lovely baby girl, that's wonderful." She said emerging from the vision.
    I felt a bit of motion under our hands followed by a sharp pain in my stomach, "ow! What was that?" I asked.
"She's starting to move, like you she's strong." My mother replied. I put both my hands on my belly and felt the small kicks and the motion under my hands. It hurt but it felt good to finally feel her life in me. "Xavier is going to be so happy." I told her.
"Then let's get you back to him." My mother replied and we made our way back down to the quad.

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