Ch 34

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The empty uncovered mattress welcomed Xavier and I. He was here, finally. These last three months have been hell without him and I couldn't imagine going on much longer. "How are you here?" I asked him, cuddled into his chest.
"Someone caught a video of my father ripping us apart. They posted it and it's been destroying my dad ever since." He explained holding me tightly.
"So he let you come back?" I further questioned.
"He made a public statement promising to return me to Nevermore and apologized for his rash decision." Xavier finished.
"So he's not mad anymore?"
"Oh he's fucking furious, but he'll get over it eventually." He laughed
"Especially when he's going to have the most beautiful granddaughter very soon." He boasted once more
"Only three more months Xavier."  I reminded him.
"God I feel like I've missed the entire pregnancy, I'm so sorry Wens I know that must not have been easy."
   I sat up off of him and sighed, I felt silly wanting to cry about it when he's now here in front of me but it was the hardest three months of my life.
   He sat up and leaned into me, kissing me gently and placing a hand under my chin. He sat that way for a moment before tracing his hand down my body, undoing my jacket and pants. I exhaled slightly, showing my relief for the pressure being off of my body. He looked down at me in just the long tank top I had on under my court attire.
"Jeez Wednesday, you 'popped'" he laughed but I could see the sadness in his eyes. He wanted to experience it all.
   I took his hand and placed it on my belly and let him feel her, the overwhelming joy from our daughter was too much for us and we cried pulling out of the trance. It was a low moment for me but I guess I needed it. Stupid hormones. I am just glad he's back with me finally.
He pulled off the rest of my jacket as well as his own and wrapped me up tightly in his arms. I reciprocated the hug and held him tighter.
"Should we talk about naming her?" He suggested.
"I'd like that." I replied shortly
    We spent some time thinking and bouncing ideas off of each other, we wanted something that held onto my Hispanic roots and our love for darkness. Obvious names like Raven crossed our minds. Then slightly more alternative names like Beatrix, reminiscent of the witch came to mind but it didn't strike us for her. Too overused anyway.
"Hmmmm Valentina?" Xavier suggested.
    This one peaked my interest, it was perfect for her. "Xavier you're a genius." I said to him.
"Is that the winning name?" He laughed.
It was perfect, feminine, gothic and encompasses the love I have for her father.  I'll have to run it by Enid but I know she'll love it.
    A knock at the door prompted us to re join reality and leave our own little world that we were in. Xavier got up and answered it and was greeted by his best friend Ajax.
"OH MY XAVIER YOURE HOME!" He yelled and immediate tackled Xavier off of his own balance.
"Yeah I'm back bro and it's so good to be back." Xavier replied.
"You need to tell me everything immediately, oh and hi Wednesday." He greeted me after yelling at his friend. I greeted him back and let him have Xavier.
   Xavier ran through the story quickly to Ajax while I sat in his bed and listened to him reiterate it. He was about to enter the conversation about baby names but I wanted to tell him with Enid so I interrupted, "Ajax your girlfriend was poisoned and is currently sleeping you should probably go see her."
"Shit! What do you mean? Poison?! I'm going right now." He jumped and ran.
"Waited Ajax!" I called and waited for him to run back in so I could toss him a key to my room so he didn't wake her. This is one of the few times I'll allow him to use a key.
    Xavier walked back to me and asked why I kicked Ajax away, "well I figured we would tell him and Enid together as it's big news and they deserve to know together." I replied
"Good idea." He joked "Lunch first?"
"Best thing you've said since you came back." I replied.
"Yeah way better than me telling you I'm back for good."
"Oh way better." I joked and we walked out of the room.
    I stayed in my tank top and rebuttoned my pants as we left for the dining hall to get food. I caught a few eyes walking as it was the first time I've really been wearing my pregnancy out, especially with Xavier. He caught a few hellos from passers and overheard some whispers from others. He greeted his old friends quickly but with joy and pushed passed the whispers and we finally ended up at the dining hall.
   We kept it easy and got pasta as it was already close to dinner time and took it to the quad to enjoy the darkness cast over the school. All finally felt as it was supposed to be and I could feel myself returning to the person I've grown into in my few years at Nevermore. Xavier sat looking at me like an idiot, "may I help you?" I asked him.
"You already have." He replied
   I rolled my eyes as the cheesy response and let him keep staring as I finished my dinner.
    We left to go back to our room and check on Enid and Ajax. As we walked in we were greeted by Ajax bringing Enid water, she was upright in bed which is better than I left her, and Thing was resting on her thigh. Xavier however caught his eye(?) and he scurried over to greet him.
"Good to see you again too lil guy" Xavier laughed and placed Thing on his shoulder.
"Welcome home Xavier, Ajax gave me the run down so it's good to have you back." She said weakly. Being as small of she is Enid got hit by the toxin a lot harder than Weems and Bianca.
   I sat in my bed and insisted Xavier come and sit with me. My bump makes me take up more space than Xavier is used to, I can no longer relax the way I used to. I leaned against my pillows and let my belly rest in my lap, which caused me to take up most of the bed but Xavier did his best with what space he had.
   "We decided on a name for our baby." I announced to the two of them.
Enid immediately popped up, "Omg tell us right now."
"Well we wanted something that kept true to Wednesday's Hispanic lineage as well as our dark sides." Xavier said
"Go on." Enid insisted.
"Valentina." I finally announced to them, the room was silent for a moment before the two of them erupted with joy, "That's perfect Wens." Enid said. And walked over to hug me.
"Be gentle Enid, don't forget that she's right here." I warned as Enid squeezed me tightly.
"Oh yeah right, gotta be careful with your pregnancy becoming high risk."
"Wait what? Since when?" Xavier asked.
"I'll fill you more in tomorrow Xavier but yes I have been labeled as a high risk pregnancy due to my young age as well as the damage I've put my body through with my eating disorder." I wanted to leave it at that for tonight and Xavier could see that as he dropped the conversation for now.
    The night was growing long now and I wanted to sleep, Xavier had no room to go home to so he stayed with me. I had no argument as I didn't want to be away from him so soon after getting him back.
   Laid in bed in the dark I tried to sleep but despite my exhaustion I couldn't sleep the way he did. My little one was starting to kick again. I took myself out to the balcony and watched the moon in the sky as I rubbed my belly to calm her down. To my dismay it didn't work. I love her but she's a pain.
   Another set of hands found its way my belly, they were Xavier's. He silently joined my stargazing. His touched soothed our babies kicking and let me relax finally as I leaned into his body for support.

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