Ch 7

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I was called into Principal Weems office along with Enid and Xavier, "So you may be wonder why you three are here." She said sparing us a greeting. "Due to the events last semester, you are being summoned to speak at the trial of Tyler Galpin, specifically you Wednesday." I sighed I knew it was only a matter of time before I was summoned to court for this, "Wednesday your role was obvious and you'll likely be summoned multiple times to speak, unfortunately due to the extent of the crimes this will be a long process. Enid, you helped Wednesday and you fought him so they want your story and Xavier not only have you had visions of the Hyde but you were also framed by Tyler and Thornhill. I will also be at the trial for my own questioning." She finished up assuring we know this is not an option.
The little meeting ended quick and she would get back to us with a date but this still sucks, "I'm sure I'm not the only one but Tyler is literally the last person I ever wanted to see again." I said to the group.
"Tell me about it look what he did to my face." Enid responded.
"That is a crime on its own, it really is. Plus he almost scared me off of love. Manipulated me into thinking I wanted it from him. Gross." I said back to her. Xavier despite the groups forming around us grabbed my hand and held it close, "If he make eye contact with you I'll kill him, same goes for you Enid. I don't care about being framed you two have lasting scars that I'm not afraid to get revenge for."
"I like you when your angry, it's scary, it's attractive." I told him
"Those are words I literally never expected to leave your mouth but okay Wednesday." Enid said from the back making Xavier chuckle.
I parted ways with Enid when she caught up with her friends and Xavier and I decided to go to his room to relax, we're both stressed and need to think about the trial.
We didn't do any thinking for a while. I don't know if it's the new couple energy or his anger being a turn on but I took him straight to his bed and we got busy. Going a few rounds and then calling it a night, "Holy shit I did not think I was able to do all that." I said to my boyfriend when I curled up into him, "Yeah and you're really good at it." He responded pulling me in closer, "Do you need help getting to the bathroom again love?" He asked me "No I got it this time." And as soon as I got up my legs gave out but Xavier was quick to catch me and pull me back up, "alright you little old lady let's walk slowly there." He teased
"Oh please you're lucky I don't kill you for that. It was just a lot this time" I responded getting in and closing the door behind me. "Maybe next time we'll take it a slower instead of drilling me," I said to him walking about after cleaning up, "Okay Wens, whatever you can handle." He laugh and teased
"Oh I can handle it, but it might be more enjoyable," I responded
"Oh yeah, you can handle it? You sure?" He wrapped an arm around me
"Let's not start something I can't finish I think I've over done it tonight." I responded and pulled him into a hug. His hug was the only hug I'll ever crave, even then it feels weird to me but so good. Especially after being intimate. "I'm only kidding Wednesday I wouldn't do anything you can't handle, or don't want I guess I should say instead because you can totally handle it." He teased back and returned my hug.
I must have passed right out because I woke up without my clothes on just as I was when I crawled into bed and so was Xavier, which was so nice to see this early. I woke him up with a soft kiss and watched him stir a bit before falling back asleep so I repeated this a few more time until the effort was reciprocated and he pulled me into a deep kiss. I pulled away and remained on top of him just admiring the man beneath me. He slowly opened his eyes and stared back at me smiling and then wrapped his arms around me. "Good morning Wednesday." He said all groggy
"Good morning Xavier." I greeted back
We began to sit up together and he took a good look at me before placing his hand on the scar on my shoulder, "This one's my fault, I'm sorry" he held his head down and apologized.
"It's okay, Thing released you from police custody after I got you out there and the first thing you did was attempt to save me. I wouldn't have blamed you if you had shot the arrow at me on purpose honestly." I said back to him, raising his chin up so his gaze would meet mine. "I can handle the scar, Enid go it way worse than me and if you haven't noticed, I was stabbed in the stomach earlier that night." I laughed back
"Oh god I forgot about that, I'm still sorry though. Of course you were the first person I'd think to save, I've loved you from the day I met you." He responded and pulled me into a soft hug. "I love you too Xavier." I responded hugging back.

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