Ch 16

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  We made an attempt to sneak back into the courtroom and i made it back to my spot with Xavier and Enid, they were just finishing the oaths and we're going to move on to Tyler. Xavier asked me if I was okay and I of course nodded, I really need to tell him. He placed his hand in my lap so I took it and replaced it against my stomach, no vision or anything I didn't want that yet I just wanted to feel him there for me.
  Tyler was making a joke out of this, he plead guilty but all he did was laugh about Thornhill's disappearance. It was a deep unnerving laugh not the light chuckle he used to have. Nothing there but pure evil, this must destroy the Sheriff. Your child becoming more and more evil right in front of your eyes, must be scary. At least my family knew what they were raising when they had me.
   The case was dismissed for the day and would regroup in a few days and we will all be at it once again. "You okay Wens? You disappeared for a bit." Xavier asked me as we walked out of the courthouse.
"Yeah it was just a lot and I needed to escapes for a minute." I replied "I need to talk to you Xavier, it's important." I blurted out, I need to tell him sooner rather than later.
"Oh okay Wednesday, as long as you're not breaking up with me." He half joked.
"Oh absolutely not love." I said back to him and gave him a quick smile. "We'll talk later though, not now."
  Getting back to Nevermore I followed Enid back to our dorm for some "alone" time. "Day one is done Wednesday, we got through it alright." Enid reassured. I flipped onto my bed and sighed in agreement. Soon after I sat down Thing scurried out from his hiding place to me and jumped up next to me. He crawled onto my stomach and laid there like a dog that was waiting for me, "You're all he's been able to talk about, he's very excited." Enid told me.
"Probably because he felt that presence too, it can be overwhelming to feel that much life when you're as dead inside as me." I told her and I stroked the top of Things hand.
"It was a lot for me too but I'm not going to overwhelm you with it, but I will be buying all the clothes for the baby." She insisted.
"Please buy them in black." I half begged.
"I'll think about it." She joked back.
  It's only about 5 o'clock at this point and I think I want to get dinner with Xavier, something to set the mood for talking about our little one. That was weird to think about. But I'm going to find him now anyway.
   I checked his room, not there. Nightshade library? Not there. Quad? Not there. "Where is he." I asked myself. Thoughtlessly I ran into Bianca, almost literally, "Woah Wednesday watch it." She said.
"My bad I wasn't paying attention." I apologized simply.
"You okay? How was the beginning of the trial, I'll be there too soon for my own testimony." She reminded.
"I'm fine just going on a walk to clear my head from today it wasn't the best thing I've done but it'll be over soon." I told her and attempted to walk off.
"Well let me know if you need anything, you can always talk to me if you're stressed." She offered for some reason.
"Thank you, now if you'll excuse me." I replied and excused myself from her presence.
  I finally realized I should check his art studio and sure enough there he was, "Wednesday! Hi." He greeted happily and brought me into a hug. "Is it time for that talk?" He asked me.
"Yes and I don't know how to tell you this or if this is the right time but I have to do it sooner rather than later because I don't want you to think I was trying to keep this from you." I blurted out.
"Go on," he said shakily, I could tell he was nervous.
"Can we sit down first?" I asked him.
"Of course." He said and led me over to a futon that he had in here. I curled up over into him, "give me your hand." I requested and he did, I then placed his hand on my stomach and let the vision take over. There was an overwhelming feeling of life and this time it was happy, probably because they're meeting their father like this for the first time. I let us sit like this for a moment though before releasing us.
"Wow, I didn't know you could do that. What was that?" He asked, shaking the feeling. He had yet to notice me crying, I've never felt someone's happiness as strong as that. "Oh Wens!" He exclaimed as he finally did notice, "That was incredible but why?" He asked keeping one hand on my stomach and cupping my face with the other hand.
"Xavier, I'm sorry, I'm pregnant." I finally told him. "I've known since last week I've just been afraid to tell you."
  For a moment there was silence, no overwhelming joy, which was scary but he also wasn't upset. "Wow really Wednesday? That's... what do you wanna do?" He asked me, "I know you never really had kids in mind for your future."
"If you're asking if I wanna keep the baby or not, I can't bring myself to get rid of it. Not after feeling their life like that, I love them already. And I love that it's yours." I cried for a moment.
"Oh thank god," he said sighing in relief, "I didn't want to celebrate if this wasn't something you wanted. This is great Wednesday, I know it's early and we're young but I can't wait to be a father. All I want is to be a better parent than my dad to this little one."
"Really? You're not upset?" I asked for reassurance.
"Of course not, this isn't your fault we both made it and I like kids." He reassured.
"I'm so glad, i never thought I'd be excited to be a mom, especially so young but here I am." I explained
"Me too but this okay, we'll be okay, all three of us. I love you Wednesday and I love our little one already." He assured.
"I love you too Xavier, this is going to be hard but we'll be okay parents, can we get dinner now?" I asked.
"Yes we can." He laughed and led me out of the shed.

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