Ch 13

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  Sheriff Galpin dropped me off near the school and I walked back it's now 3:30am and I'm trying to sneak back in. As usual it proves to be easy and before I knew it I was back in my room. Enid and Thing were still asleep together  and although I'm genuinely exhausted now I headed over to the bathroom.
  It took me a while to get the package open, read the box and I still googled it just to be sure of what I was doing. There were two tests in the box and I decided to take both. First one, waited five minutes and then...Thing crawled in. Slow and tired but he came in to see what I was up to. I was a but hesitant but I told him my problems and insisted he told no one. He agreed and I carried on to grab the test.
  I'm shaking so hard right now I don't even know if I can look, I'm terrified, what if Xavier's mad. Or doesn't want me or a baby. We're still young too I wouldn't even blame him. Thing offered a comforting hand(?) and we looked together, "positive" fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. "Okay let just take the other one and make sure." I said shakily. Five minutes later I looked at it and again, "Positive." Fuck, fuck fuck. I was having a hard time not crying so I just let it happen. "Thing I'm scared, what if Xavier doesn't want me, or what if mom and dad are mad? What will everyone here think?" I asked him "Obviously I'll tell Xavier, Enid and my family but fuck." I could tell he felt back for me, he rested the back of his hand against my stomach and assured me I'll be okay. 
  My head is spinning I don't know what to do but I too my tests and put them in my pillow case and left the box wrapped in my coat for now, I'll discard it in the morning. As scared as I am I fell asleep very quickly when I got in bed.
  Morning came quickly and I had a lot of thinking to do but instead I went to class, I had two today one in the morning and the second with Xavier in the afternoon. I went to the bathroom to get ready for real despite being exhausted still, I was putting on my uniform and I stopped to look at myself in the mirror. "I'm pregnant?" I mouthed to myself and touched my almost flat stomach. There was almost nothing there, I think there was a slight curve but it could be in my head. But a vision kicked in and I felt the life of my baby again. I didn't let it scare me again I just stood there and felt it. "Wednesday are you almost done in there? I need to get ready too." Enid yelled breaking my focus and pulling me out of the trance, "Yes Enid five more minutes." I yelled back and rushed through my morning routine.
  I sat on my bed and waited for her I was contemplating just telling her now or maybe waiting for tonight after classes. I'm not sure I know she'll love me no matter what but I don't even know how to do it. I wonder if I could transfer my ability to her, like if she's touching me she'll feel what I feel. "Thing come here I want to try something." I called him over and he did of course. "Tell me what you feel," I instructed and held him against my stomach for a moment, nothing. "Come on don't be shy now," I readjusted my position to press more of my hand against it and this finally triggered a vision, I focused hard to try to have Thing feel it too. I kept this up for a moment and eventually let him go. "So, tell me what you think, did you feel that?" I asked him. He paused for a moment in what seemed like shock and then nodded, he even attempted to do it again himself but he couldn't. "So that worked? Interesting." I told him. That will probably be my plan to tell Enid and Xavier, I've never been good with my words so this changes things.
   "Okay I'm ready." Enid emerged from the bathroom fresh in her Nevermore uniform. "Alright let's go." I instructed and she of course followed, I chickened of out doing it now but it'll be fine I will soon. I know she is going to be the first person I tell so I should just rip that bandaid off quickly.
   We made it to class though it was just a history class which I would normally find interesting but I couldn't focus today. Despite that I still did well answering all the professors questions. In this class I was sat next to Enid and she was as chatty as ever, "Oh Wens are you okay by the way you hit your head last night?" She asked
"Yeah it was an accident I'm fine." I whispered back.
"Where were you around 2:30 am? I assume you went to see him?" She asked and I froze, she knew I was out.
"I don't want to talk about this right now, sorry." I responded which left her confused.
"I won't judge you for hooking up with your boyfriend." She whispered back.
"Good to know but it's not that." I told her, she's onto something and it's stressing me out. I stopped talking for a moment in the hopes that I would calm down but I couldn't and I felt myself get nauseas. Shit, and Enid knows I'm acting weird, I need to excuse myself, and so I did.
I walked to the bathroom quickly and made sure I was alone before throwing up, and of course there was a knock at the door soon after, "Wednesday it's Enid, can we talk for a second?" She requested so I cleaned up and opened the door for her.
"What are you not telling me?" She asked and I felt the words escape me. "I don't even know how to tell you." I responded and I was met by a puzzled look, "Whatever it is is going to be okay. Are you struggling with food again? I can help you." She offered and before I could answer I was hit by another wave of nausea and I quickly went to throw up again, "Woah Wednesday, so it's bad bad now?" She asked while she held back my hair. "Yes and no. It's not food I've been gone with that." I answered
"Do you have the flu or something this isn't normal." She asked frantically again. Rather than going back and fourth with her I took one of her hands and placed it on my stomach the way I did with Thing, fortunately I got it right the first time this time and sent us into the vision and the feeling I get when I do this.

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