Ch 6

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The rest of our night consisted of us just staying in my room and falling asleep together, something I could definitely get used to. I'm starting to think I could be "more than a friend" material but I'm scared to ruin this. Could I even ruin this? Xavier's loved me since we were ten. Even after I hurt him and wrongly framed him he still loves me. I never knew an emotion could be so strong until I started feeling it myself. I slowly let myself drift to sleep in his arms though and waited for the next day, maybe I'll tell him how I feel.
"Wednesday... Wednesday...WEDNESDAY!" I was awoken by the loud shouting of Enid, "What are you two doing?" She asked as I looked over and saw Xavier still snoring next to me, thing jumped off Enid's should and landed right on his face smacking him awake. "What did I do now Wens?" He asked me all groggy. "Wasn't me this time." I responded he finally noticed Enid and got really awkward knowing we've been caught.
"No one's needs to know about this." I told her
"And what exactly is "this" what have you not told me? Are you dating or" she moved my hair over revealing my hickeys, "hooking up! My Wednesday? No way."
"No Enid we're not just hooking up." I told her
"Than how long have you two been dating and why haven't you told me." She got all defensive.
"Barely two days Enid, calm down. I tell you everything eventually." I responded
"This is huge though how could you not tell me." She exclaimed both excited and still mad at me.
"To be fair I still haven't told Ajax." Xavier chimed in
"Oh god." I said silently
"OMG I'm calling him right now." And just like that Enid disappeared outside the door.
We both exhaled hard and laid back down with each other, "So you didn't argue the whole 'together thing' like I expected." He asked me.
"I'm starting to feel like more than a friend material." I responded and rolled my eyes at him. He laughed at me and said "Alright finally my girlfriend then. Best day ever." He didn't even need to ask and he knew that. I was his and I've just been stubborn.
Enid and this threw the door open quickly followed by Ajax who threw himself at Xavier tackling him off my bed and onto the floor, he got here really quick. "Buddy! When were you going to tell me? She's all you talk about and you didn't come to me immediately?" Ajax asked "It's only been a few days, actually it was the morning you came and checked on me for all the noise you heard." He responded and got pretty embarrassed when Ajax responded, "Oh yeah buddy that's awesome."
"Can we please keep this between the five of us though, Wednesday and I don't want it going around." He asked, referring to Enid, Ajax, us and Thing of course. We all were in agreement about the secret thankfully, Bianca and I are civil but I don't feel like going through whatever jealous rage she'll have towards us anytime soon.
We made our way out to the quad together though holding hands with no one around and protected by the cover of Enid and Ajax in front of us. My hair still up on a ponytail to cover the fading hickey's that were still on my neck. We sat down at our usual table with no issues but it was a busy day out and I didn't like that, I don't like people. I caught a few eyes due to my change in appearance, thankfully it's only the ponytail today and not the sweatpants. I also threw on a turtle neck under my uniform but it wasn't enough on its own, hence why I kept the ponytail.
Shortly into our lunch, where I was getting back into the habit of eating slowly, Bianca decided to join us. She's been friendly but still tries to make moves on Xavier occasionally. I was hoping she wouldn't this time but instead she sat right down on our bench and attempted to cuddle up into Xavier with a fake, "Hey guys, Been a while how are you." Everyone kinda fell silent and looked at Bianca, then me and back at her, "We've been good, settling into the new semester." Ajax answered for us and Xavier pushed away from her and towards me. For some reason she seemed to follow, I don't know why she's trying so hard this time.
I gripped Xavier's other hand and squeezed it so he knew I was uncomfortable and I could tell by his squeeze back he was too, so I did want any sensible girlfriend who was trying to hide her relationship would do, "Bianca could you stop rubbing up on Xavier not only has he expressed multiple times that he doesn't want you but in his attempt to push away he's touching me. And you have less than five seconds to move or both of you are dead." Obviously I didn't mean it I love Xavier's touch but Bianca is disposable in this situation.
"Oh Wednesday, didn't see you there, sorry. Oh and love the new look though it really brings out the death in your eyes." She said with a cheap smile, "I'm not going to ask again, move." I said to her. You could feel the tension between us but reluctantly she moved and allowed us some breathing room. "Bye everyone, see ya later." She said getting up from the table.
I could feel myself getting mad and I could tell Ajax and Enid were a bit scared at the moment but Xavier pushed aside to give me some space and placed a hand on my leg as a silent, "It's okay, thank you." Which I appreciated and tried to calm down.
"It's weird pretending I hate you in front of everyone. It's weird not hating you." I said to him and our friends
"It's a little weird for me too, kinda feels like I'm dreaming, sometimes more than others." He responded.
"I'm glad we're keeping this secret for now though I can't let anyone see my soft side." I said back to him.
"We love your soft side Wednesday although it's arguably scarier than your usual attitude." Enid jumped in to remind us she was still there. The rest of the table laughed an I felt the corners of my lips turn a bit upwards at her comment.

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