Ch 5

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Xavier returned a bit later with a burger and fries for him and a small box of chicken nuggets for me, "I was able to catch the shuttle to Jericho and grab us come comfort food." He smiled holding it up for me I even let a smile go on my face, "Chicken nuggets?" I asked unsure if I've had those, the stuff my mom cooks isn't exactly normal. "Yeah little bits of chicken fried and only the darkest, most evil sauce for you. Sweet and sour." He sat opposite to me on the bed and set up the food in front of us. Even drew a quick little candle and brought it to life to, as he said "set the mood."
  I tried the little bites of chicken dry at first and i was surprised to find that I enjoyed them, especially with the not so evil sauce. Despite the small box size I started rushing through all six of them before he slowed me down, "Hey hey hey, they're not going anywhere and we can get more again some other time. Take it slow or you'll feel like crap again." He instructed and I nodded at him, I didn't want to admit my embarrassment but it appears I'm more naive than I thought. However o took his advice and slowed down. I ended up not even finishing them due to my smaller appetite, "You were right I'm glad I didn't trick myself into eating too much, thank you." He chuckled and said you're welcome to me while only halfway through his food.
  As we were talking to door creeped open to reveal Enid stopping in, "Hey roomie just stopped by to check on yo... oh hey Xavier." She greeted him confusingly
"I'm alright Enid thank you, Xavier got worried after I ran off earlier, as he always does and stopped by with a light meal to help me get through the rest of tonight." I responded
"Oh how nice Xavier but I could have brought her food if she asked." Enid offered
"I didn't know I needed anything else but of course he thinks he knows everything." I told her
"I actually do know everything, thanks tho Wednesday. Oh and sorry for being in your room Enid." He explained to her
"It's fine Ajax is here all the time, but don't tell anyone that. I'm honestly surprised that not only did she not kick you out but let you sit on her bed." She once again asked quite puzzled
"My mind does crazy things sometimes Enid, like letting a girl with pink in her hair be my best friend. Who would have thought." I told her in a monotone voice
"Fair enough I'll just leave you guys to your" She questioned.
"It's not a date and this doesn't get told to anyone." I demanded her as she walked out and back to Yoko's room.
"Do you think she's onto us?" He asked
"I don't know but I'll have to tell her sooner or later. She'll be really mad if I don't." I responded
"Up to you but between us Ajax is onto us too, he could tell those were my sweats." I just sighed, privacy is impossible.
  I felt a lot better after eating so Xavier decided it was time we shower and was the icky feeling of today off together, honestly couldn't agree more so we made our way to my bathroom and got in the shower together.
  This shower quickly turned into a sloppy make-out session of course, "Goddamn Wednesday, you may have framed me and broke my heart multiple times in the past but I am a lucky man now." He whispered in ears while the hot water poured down our bodies, "I'm sorry for all that Xavier, but now I'm yours, like I should have been." I responded, his dark smirk and lip bite told me what was coming next, and like I imagined Xavier was quick to push me up into the wall and kiss me hard like an animal, "If you thought last time was nice this time I'm going to destroy you." He whispered with a little rasp in voice that made my heart jump. "Please Xavier, do it." I begged and he wasted no time sweeping me off my feet and slowly lowering me down onto him, he gave one quick thrust that made me cry out in pain and pleasure.
"You okay Wednesday?" He asked me
"Yeah it take a bit of getting used to still but I'm fine." I gasped out feeling my body take all of him
He nodded and continued thrusting in and out of me filling me with pain and pleasure, our moans were muffled by the running shower so we let ourselves go and hear each others pleasure. I was getting close to finishing again, this feeling is so new to me but I'm already addicted to it, addicted to him giving it to me. Xavier's pace started to quicken meaning he was close too, "Yes Xavier, just like that" i moaned out and he delivered. He tightened his grip around me with one are and rested his other arm and head next to mine before finishing with me inside me again. The feeling was what some would call "bliss."
He leaned up against me and pulled me into a deep hug for a few moments longer in the shower just enjoying my presence as I did his. Until we unfortunately had to get out, "Thank you for coming over today, I'm sorry I never told you about my problem. Only Enid knows, not even my mom." I told him as I dried off, I slightly averted my eyes feeling ashamed about it.
"Wednesday, don't be upset it's not like you. My Wednesday is a strong woman he doesn't care what anyone thinks. I admire it you're strong and my admiration gets stronger the more I learn about you. It's not easy to deal with an eating disorder." He told me running his hands through my wet hair to comfort me. I couldn't help but just hug him. He's the only person I've ever felt the urge to touch and allow to touch me.

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