Chapter 1

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'AMICY'- the mysteries of what goes behind the scenes of one's social life

In other words, all is not as it appears. 

Or, don't judge a book by its cover.

A famous Japanese proverb reads, "You have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends and family. The third face, you never show anyone."

Everyone presents a certain side of themselves to the world, causing others to form a certain impression of them. Whether that impression is what they want of themselves to be seen as is quite subjective; not everyone has the ability to really look beyond the surface nor do they even wish to do so in the first place.....


An unsettling atmosphere surrounded your classroom of 15 students, all nervously waiting for something. The loud opening of the door prompted everyone to stand up and greet the incoming storm, or perhaps an avalanche was more suitable.

"Good morning, class. I see everyone is present today. Hah, didn't expect any less since it's result day. Sit."

Ms Rosalyne, the 'Ice Queen', as everyone called her, slammed the stack of papers on her desk then folded her arms over her chest and glared at the batch of students in front of her. A chill almost ran down your spine at her icy glare, she truly lived up to her title.

"So, before I distribute your papers, can anyone say with confidence that they scored well?"

She questioned in an almost playful tone but everyone knew she was raging inside, she paced back n forth behind her table waiting for someone to speak up but nobody had the guts to.

"Well? Don't be afraid, I'm sure some of you studied well enough to score good. The paper wasn't tough, was it?"

She repeated, expecting a reply but there was no sound at all.


She shouted and the class finally replied, "N-No, ma'am...."

She squinted her eye, "Then why is the result of this class so terrible?! Only 2 have scored 90%, 4 of you are below 40%. The class average is barely 55% and you call yourself final year students? None of you will pass this semester!"

She snapped, making everyone fidget in their places. So was the way of the infamous Ice Queen, Head of Chemistry department and recipient of several awards and research achievements. It was said nobody ever failed her class; most seniors had told how she fixes every single student by the end to make them score 70% at least. Her reputable track record gave her high praise which means there were high standards set about her. She sighed after a moment of silence then began distributing the papers to the class, calling names one by one.

"Y/n L/n, 45%."

You quickly walked up and received your paper, feeling extremely anxious at your surprising result. You sat at your seat which was in the second row, centre line, and scanned the paper intently in order to verify your mistakes and if any marks were missed in calculation. You almost couldn't believe this was your own paper, you were sure you studied well and seeing the markings made you realize you missed the very basic concepts.

"This was just the first assessment of this semester which tested the easiest units in your syllabus. Now do you all realise the outcome of missing classes? This is after I requested innumerable times to come to class, now the result is in your hands and you can be sure this will be sent to your parents and guardians."

She strode through the rows, speaking in a demanding tone while everyone simply kept their heads bowed and listened.

"Now, I'm done making requests. You all pushed me to do this. From Monday, there will be extra lessons at the end of the day every alternate day, i.e. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Those who have scored 50% and below are required to attend them, no excuses will be entertained. A notice will be sent to your mails by the end of the day for the same. This is my last resolve now; if you people still don't listen then consider yourself a failing grade."

Ring of Amicy- Signora x Fem! reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now