Chapter 36

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You briefly recalled what happened last year around the same time, how you were trapped in an unknown and dark place by one of the few people you looked up to most until then, how that incident wounded you for life and took away memories you seemingly held dear. You remained scared for months after that, barely going out of your room or doing anything at all. Your mother had to accompany you and drop you till the institute for exams and then wait until taking you back home before she would leave for her own work. You knew it burdened her; you knew it was difficult for her. You felt embarrassed and downright distraught at that time, you knew you had to do better and recover soon.

The memories of that time were vivid in your mind. You eventually recovered and were able to do things on your own again but you realized there was more to your fear, you were scared to go to unknown places all alone- which is why all you did was commute back n forth from the institute to your home all this time until you started tutoring with Ms Rosalyne. Fortunately, her home wasn't in a new area you hadn't been to before and was in fact on the way to the institute. Still, you were aware you weren't completely fine and still harbored that fear deep within, and it would manifest some day or the other....

Ms Rosalyne continued looking around the venue for you, asking everyone she came across but none had any answer. It was a crowded place and more people came by this time, she knew she can't cover the whole place this way. She finally resorted to contacting the management of the venue and have an official search for you. She showed your pic to the security and told them when and where you were last seen, they pulled up the camera footage of the public washroom and you were indeed seen to be outside them at the time.

She then noticed how you suddenly started looking around before running away in the opposite direction as if you saw something scary. The public announcement system called for you a few times but no response came hence the guards started a manual search for you. Ms Rosalyne accompanied them, noting the direction you had ran into and searching in that area first of all. They weren't sure if you were still at the venue or ran outside, and Ms Rosalyne had no other way of contacting you other than your phone.

"Y/n! Y/n! Where are you?! What happened?! Please, answer my calls! Don't do this alone!" she pondered as she kept looking around, her heart pounding in her chest thinking of the situation. She suddenly remembered you had said that you get scared when you are alone and she felt that's what happened earlier, she didn't think it would trigger in that moment when she left you alone for a short time but she blamed herself now. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to call your mother and make her worry, and she didn't want to give you a bad memory for your birthday for another year in a row.

"Ok, I should calm down and think properly. She ran away to the left and the camera footage last showed her going up till the Ferris Wheel spot then she went out of range and no cameras are beyond that. We already covered that entire trail and the guards are looking at the other end of the venue now so, where should I go? What places did we not cover? Could she be hiding somewhere? Could no, I shouldn't think of that! I need to be hopeful! I'll find you, Y/n!"

She firmed herself and decided to look outside the venue since the guards were already looking around inside and it would be a waste to cover the same ground as them. She went to the parking lot and looked around your car followed by the corners but it was all in vain, she sighed and once again called your number but no reply came and she was running out of ideas now. She truly started getting worried and her mind couldn't help but wander to cruel things, thinking of the worst-case scenarios that could happen to you and she hated that. 

All of a sudden, her phone rang and she looked at it in anticipation hoping it was you but it was from the venue manager. Her smile dropped for a moment but she put that thought aside and answered the call, hoping for some good news and it seems her prayers were heard.

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