Chapter 51

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It was nearing the end of the day, you were still seated in Ms Rosalyne's office studying with her. You suddenly got a notification on your phone saying you were added to a new WhatsApp group by your classmate and became suspicious, you opened the chat and read the group name to be some classmate's birthday party group. You furrowed your brows and clicked on the group details to see who you were added by, and who else was in the group. Ms Rosalyne noticed your frowning face and became slightly worried.

"Is everything okay, Y/n?"

"O-Oh yes, I just got added to a WhatsApp group by Amber. It's apparently Jake's birthday this weekend...."

Ms Rosalyne smiled, "Oh, that's good. So, is a party being planned?"

"I guess so, there hasn't been any message since I was ad— Oh, one came now." you picked up your phone and mumbled the message to yourself then let out a sigh.

"So, what are they planning?" Ms Rosalyne asked.

"It's a party at Jake's house this Friday, everyone in the group is invited."

Ms Rosalyne was happy to hear that but she noticed you didn't seem too pleased.

"....You don't seem eager about it. You don't want to go?"

"I... I'm just wondering why I'm invited because I barely ever talked to Jake or any of his friends. The group has most of our classmates and some people from other classes, I can't see how I fit in all of them."

"Well... perhaps Jake really wants you there. Who knows, he might have a crush on you, or someone in his friend group even~" Ms Rosalyne teased with a smirk.

You blushed for a moment then looked away with a bitter smile, "That's impossible, none of them ever talked to me before. What's the point of starting anything now when we are about to graduate? And aside from that, I'm not even attractive in any way. I know nobody would like me...."

Ms Rosalyne was caught by surprise at your last words. She remembered that night when she drunkenly confessed to liking you and wanting to kiss you. Did you discard those words as drunken ramblings? Did you really accept so easily she wasn't serious? She hated how you always thought of yourself as less whenever it came to topics about romance or friendship, she had noticed this behavior of yours for a long time.

"Don't be ridiculous, Y/n. You have plenty of traits that are likable and make you attractive. I cannot believe there's not even a single person around you that doesn't like you, even in a romantic sense. You should have more self-esteem and recognize your value."

Ms Rosalyne spoke determinedly, surprising you quite a bit at how serious she looked and sounded as if she was speaking this from the bottom of her heart. 

"I....I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to sound this way. A-Anyways, I'll think about going to the party. I may not even be free that day, to be honest."

You brushed off the topic and continued studying. Ms Rosalyne knew you were holding back from saying something, there must be a reason why you thought of yourself this way. She wanted to pursue this conversation more but felt now wasn't the right time. You looked at the clock after a while and signaled to Ms Rosalyne that it was the time for her meeting with Mr Ren, she nodded in agreement then packed up her things and went out of the office to the designated location.

The plan you had thought was simple, but could be difficult to execute if you were careless. Almost 5 minutes later you packed your things too and locked her office then went to the same location, discreetly following her from a distance. The venue was behind the institute main building, in the corner of the soccer field. He was smart to choose this place since it'd be empty at this time and also had no surveillance cameras due to being an open field. 

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