Chapter 12

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A part of Rosalyne's life was unknown to many; years ago, she had experienced the loss of her loved ones and went through immense trauma, even scarring her face in the process. She had many sleepless nights where she dreamt of the tragic scene she had witnessed, embers going up in the sky and flames engulfing her surroundings. She would recall how her face got wounded by her own misstep, losing the beauty she had been known for but more than that- she lost everything in her life. 

Now, a few who knew her stopped trying to help her as she didn't seem to want to change. She silently carried her own burdens, saying she didn't require any help. Lisa was arguably the closest to her, helping her find her bearing again but even she knew she can't do much. How did the Ice Queen known by many come to be? Some would consider her arrogant and self-entitled due to her achievements, saying that she considers herself above everyone hence why she's so cold. Yet, little did they know the ice simply harbored a gentle flame capable of eternal love.

Rosalyne placed a kiss on your forehead out of instinct, she didn't know what compelled her to. Perhaps she pitied you, or perhaps she related to you in more ways than one, perhaps she saw her past self in you and wished to make things better- to do it differently than what she did to herself. She continued stroking your head for some time until you seemed calm enough then was about to get up but realised she couldn't, she saw her hand was being tightly held by you. 

She didn't even feel it when you seemingly took hold of it and didn't let go but now that she could feel the grip, she suddenly realised how soft your skin was and how your intertwined fingers looked so endearing to her. She took a more comfortable seating position and stayed in that place for some time, her other hand softly caressed your face until she noticed tears flowing down your cheek. She became worried and came closer thinking you might become unstable again but you didn't, only the tears appeared but you remained silent.

"This girl....she's suffered too much. Young, bright and.....adorable yet faced such cruelty. Her mind even decided to erase the seemingly happy memories of her life just so she wouldn't think how drastically things changed....why do this to yourself, Y/n?"

She slowly moved her fingers over your cheeks to wipe the tears when her gaze fell upon some kind of cut near your collarbone. Your shirt had been moved down slightly enabling her to see some of your skin; contemplating at first, she eventually moved it aside a little more ensuring not to look at your private parts to take a better look and was utterly shocked. While still not fully visible, she could see a large cut made across your chest with some kind of sharp object but there was more, the skin around it appeared burnt indicating the object was heated as well.

"It doesn't seem too deep's terrible. How did this happen? Don't tell me her father....!? No, I shouldn't jump to conclusions this's not my business to ask about this. It doesn't look like she feels pain anymore but the scar is likely permanent.....just like my own."

She touched her own face at the side of the patch, recalling the memory of the time when she got it but quickly brushed it off as it didn't matter at the moment. Some moments later, you slowly blinked your eyes open and found Ms Rosalyne's face in front of you, looking at you with a smile. You felt her hand caressing your head which she retracted once you were awake enough then you tried to sit up and saw your hand holdings hers; becoming flustered, you immediately released it and quickly sat up then saw the blanket on your body.

"D-Did I fall asleep, ma'am?! I'm so sorry about it, I was simply resting back and didn't realize when I fell asleep...."

Ms Rosalyne shrugged and sat up to sit on the sofa beside you, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What did I tell you about staying up at nights? You need plenty of rest when you have to study so much during the day, imagine if you had an exam today and attempted it in this state? You would fall asleep during the paper."

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