Chapter 30

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The moment Ms Rosalyne finished the song while gazing at you, your heart skipped a beat. Was she trying to imply something? Did she perhaps have the same feelings for you as you do for her? Was it right for you to get your hopes up? You wanted it to be true, you badly wanted to believe that. But you remembered how she was touching her ever-present ring earlier, how she stared into space as if yearning for something while she felt the familiar metal didn't know what to think. 

Your emotions were being played with. You decided to not get your hopes up. 

You clapped for Ms Rosalyne as she kept down the mic and walked back to her seat, quite awestruck by her singing abilities you had no idea about. Why was she so mysterious? Every time you discovered something new about her, you felt yourself being drawn closer and deeper....

"Hah~ See what I meant, Y/n?" Ms Lisa broke your string of thoughts and made you look at her.

"W-What, ma'am?"

"See this is why I was against karaoke with Rosa! How can people like us continue to sing when you hear a near-professional?! Now I have no interest, hmph!~"

Ms Lisa pouted and you lightly giggled then looked at Ms Rosalyne who simply let out a sigh and drank a glass of water.

"You said I should consider singing as a career but you are the one who's way more suited, ma'am. I'm nowhere near your caliber....It was really amazing to hear you just now."

Your compliment made her blush all of a sudden until she cleared her throat, "A-Ahem, it's not a big deal. I have never taken any lessons, I just sing as it comes to me...."

"I see, then you have a natural talent, that's even more remarkable."

Ms Rosalyne blushed more and looked away while playing with her hair strands, "T-Thank you. Still, don't make a big deal out of it at the institute, okay?"

"Y-Yes, of course....It's not like I really talk to anyone, haha...."

Both of you awkwardly looked away, Ms Lisa sensed the interesting atmosphere and silently giggled before speaking.

"Okay then, let's take a break now and order some food. I'm practically starving~"

The three of you looked at the menu one by one and ordered one dish each along with drinks. Both Ms Lisa and Ms Rosalyne then got busy in their phones, you assumed Ms Lisa was chatting with someone or looking at social media judging from her expressions while Ms Rosalyne looked serious as if doing something work related. You were about to take out your own phone to pass time when Ms Lisa stood up and came to sit beside you, lightly pushing you towards Ms Rosalyne like before. Ms Rosalyne put her phone down in annoyance and Ms Lisa then held up her phone in a selfie position.

"Smile, both of you!~"

You gave a simple smile looking at the camera and noticed how Ms Rosalyne leaned slightly closer to you to come in the frame, her breasts touching your back as Ms Lisa clicked the photo.

"Don't post that anywhere, Lisa." Ms Rosalyne warned.

"Yes yes, I know. I'll send it to both of you. Ah, too bad we can't post it on fb or insta~"

"Uh, I can take a photo of both of you. You can post that at least, right?" you suggested.

"Aww, how considerate of you, Y/n. I'd love to post a pic with you but it'd attract unnecessary drama~"

 "Yes, I understand. It's fine with me, I prefer keeping those photos to ourselves...."

"Hehe, in that case we'll take tons of pics of you! Oh, I want a solo pic with you! Here, Rosa, click it~"

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