Chapter 24

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Ms Rosalyne walked inside and the three of them stood up and stepped away from you while she held your arm and helped you up. She saw the cut on your face then looked at the three boys with a furious look, ready to burst out any moment.

"What is going on here?! Explain yourself right this instant!"

She shouted and the three of them simply looked down; Theo and Steve seemed slightly scared but Mike had his usual blank expression. You hissed and pressed on the cut causing Ms Rosalyne to take out a handkerchief from her purse, she poured some water on it then gently kept it on your face.

"Hold it steady, Y/n."

You nodded then she turned to face the three boys again, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at them. She waited for them to speak but none of them opened their mouths, she gritted her teeth then slammed the table beside her.

"To the Dean's office! All of you, right now!"

Mike clicked his tongue then they went to pick up their bags while Ms Rosalyne turned to face you and caressed your face, "Are you hurt anywhere else, Y/n? Will you be able to walk?"

"Y-Yes, I'm f-fine...." your voice trembled, traumatizing memories still plaguing your mind.

She looked at you worriedly then held your wrist to make you walk along, "Tell everything to the Dean clearly and truthfully, okay?"

You agreed then picked up your bag and followed her to the Dean's office. On the way, she took out her phone and quickly called Lisa.

"Lisa, bring a disinfectant and some cotton to the Dean's office urgently."

Lisa was equally surprised and confused but did as told as she sensed how important and restless Rosalyne was. The five of you reached Dean Akito's office who immediately allowed you all in seeing the commotion and your tattered state.

"I found the four of them fighting in the classroom." Ms Rosalyne began, making the Dean surprised then he glanced at your state and quickly understood.

"She was the one who started it!" Steve was the first to speak, immediately accusing you.

"Yeah, she slapped Mike first!" Theo chimed in, supporting the claim.

You looked at them wide-eyed then spoke, "Because the three of you were doing something utterly disgusting!"

"Shut up! You have no right to interfere in what we do!" Steve retorted.

"I can't just sit and let you three continue doing that! Do you realize you were invading another person's privacy and even talking so inappropriately about her!?"

You shouted more then suddenly looked down, the pain from the cut worsening due to speaking so much. They were about to talk back but Ms Rosalyne raised her arm and slammed the Dean's desk, catching all of you off guard.

"Silence! None of you will speak until asked! You ambush a girl that way and have the audacity to blame her for acting first!? Do any of you even realize what you have done?! Not even a hint of remorse or guilt on any of your faces and are ready to throw accusations here and there!"

Her voice resounded in the office, all four of you shivering slightly. Ms Lisa soon reached the office and saw the commotion before knocking on the glass door, Ms Rosalyne looked over and nodded then turned to face the Dean.

"I suggest we talk to them individually. I'll have Lisa look over Y/n's wounds first while we talk to the boys."

She suggested and the Dean accepted, sending you out to sit with Ms Lisa in the reception area while she and the Dean interrogated the three boys. Ms Lisa immediately held your face and checked you all over, ensuring there weren't any other bruises. She then sprayed some disinfectant on the cotton and pressed it on your cut followed by putting the handkerchief over it as well and holding it there.

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