Chapter 56

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Gentle sounds of birds chirping and warm rays of the sun illuminated Rosalyne's bedroom. A small beam of sunlight shone upon Rosalyne's face through the gap in the curtains causing her to open her eyes with a squish. She was quick to remember the events of the previous night as soon as she felt something wrapped in her arms, she smiled and looked down to see you perfectly snuggled into her chest with your head buried in her breasts. Her own arms were as perfectly wrapped around you and held you close, her chin resting on the top of your head and your legs intertwined with each other's.

Rosalyne hadn't felt this kind of intimacy in a long time, she found so much comfort in it that she didn't want to let go anytime soon. She caressed the back of your head, tenderly ruffling your hair through her fingers and pulling the side hair behind your ears. She then kissed your forehead and continued gazing at you, etching your adorable sleeping face in her mind. Sometime later, she felt your arms loosen as you attempted to turn the other way. She released her arms as well and watched you turn to lay on your back, front facing the ceiling and your neck tilted in her direction. She smiled more and caressed your chest before pulling the blanket on you more while she proceeded to sit up.

She went through her phone for some time, typing out her leave email and sending it to the dean along with checking other notifications. Then, an idea occurred to her. She opened the front camera on her phone then slowly laid beside you again and pointed the camera above you both. Your sleeping position was perfect as the camera was able to capture both of your faces. She pressed her face to yours and started clicking some pictures, smiling with all her heart as she looked at you in the screen. You then suddenly turned to her side again and she couldn't help but chuckle softly, she also turned to face you and took some pictures this way now which captured her loving gaze on you.

Rosalyne completed her photo session by clicking some pictures of her kissing you on different parts of your face. She giggled to herself as she later went through the photos. These would technically be your first photos as a couple, even though you both hadn't had that talk yet. In her mischievous state of mind, she selected one photo which was arguably the simplest one as it had her smiling up at the camera while lying beside you and sent it to Lisa. She thought it would be a fun way to break the news to her.

Rosalyne's phone

[photo attached]
She's so cute <3

Lisa was in the process of getting ready to go for work when she received the text. She saw the caption through the notification bar and was utterly surprised seeing her reclusive friend call someone cute this way. She sat down at her vanity and started applying her lipstick while opening the chat as she had become really curious. Perhaps, she should have held back her curiosity as the contents of the text made her so shocked that her hand slipped and the lipstick drew on the wrong way, making an erroneous pink line to the side. Lisa practically dropped her lipstick and furiously started typing a reply, her legs shaking in excitement thinking of what this meant.




Rosalyne anticipated the barrage of messages and giggled to herself. She then walked over to the balcony to make the phone call in order to not disturb you from the sound. 

"Hey, Li—"


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