Chapter 8

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An eventful weekend finally came to an end and it was the start of a new week now. You had decided to begin the new week with a fresh mindset, not brooding over the past and working hard for the future. Your mid-terms were going to begin in three weeks, the perfect time to showcase the fruits of Ms Rosalyne's efforts on you and you were determined to make her time worthwhile.

Your mother talked to the examination authorities over the weekend, asking for some consideration for the scholarship but it bore no fruits. Disheartened and worried you were, you had promised her to only focus on studies and trust her with the rest. Ms Rosalyne had also been slightly worried for you about losing the scholarship, she had thought to call your mother over the weekend to ask for details but she decided against it as she felt she was interfering where she shouldn't.

Still, she had wished she could do something. She came to be known as the Ice Queen due to a few incidents in the past where she came off as unwavering and merciless to failing students; what they couldn't see was that she did her best even back then to ensure nobody failed. She never used any unethical means to increase grades nor did she cut slack beyond a few miniscule marks, she simply worked hard to teach everyone.

"Lisa, remember that case you mentioned about Y/n?" Rosalyne asked her friend, Lisa, during her break time on Monday.

"Mhm, what is it? Are you curious?~" Lisa teased, not expecting a serious answer.

"Actually....I am." Rosalyne replied firmly, catching Lisa by surprise.

"Oh my, didn't think you'd ever be interested in such gossip~ What happened?"

"....." Rosalyne remined quiet, thinking whether she should tell her then sighed out and started speaking.

"You know that last Saturday the results were announced for the previous semester?"

"Yes, I do. Oh, this related to Y/n's result?"

"Yes, do you know how much she scored?"

"Unfortunately, I don't, since I haven't had a chance to talk with her. Do you know?"

Rosalyne nodded, "Yes, she got 68%...."

Lisa's eyes widened in worry, "Doesn't that mean she....lost the scholarship?"

"Yes, she did..."

Lisa sighed out, "So? Do you want to help her in some way?"

"There's nothing I can do....for now, at least."

Lisa chuckled, "Hehe~ I see, that's fair. So, regarding that case, I had told you I don't know much."

"Tell me what you do know."

"Fine fine. I had heard Mr Akito and Ms Yun saying something along the lines of a police case involving her parents, I believe her parents are divorced that's why she and her mom moved here. There was something about her father coming here and forcing them it seems."

Rosalyne looked at her in shock, "That's....more serious than I was expecting."

She trailed off and looked away, thinking back to a certain thing you said on Saturday, "If only those things didn't happen last year."

"It's quite unfortunate, I must say...." Lisa interrupted Rosalyne's thoughts, "What is?"

"Her losing the scholarship, of course. She seems like a sweet girl and judging from what you have told me, she's very hard working in studies."

"Ah...that's true." Rosalyne went silent again as things didn't make sense to her, she remembered your crying self that day and felt extremely bad.

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