Chapter 7

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After letting you sit in her room to watch TV, Rosalyne made her way over to the kitchen thinking of making something for you to eat.

"I should have realised something happened since she came here.....I can understand why her mother would have gotten angry; it seems her parents are divorced so her mother has to do all work. I shouldn't have scolded her for not studying well....Hah~ She should have just not come today."

Rosalyne searched around her kitchen looking for ingredients, wondering what to make.

"She didn't have breakfast and it's already close to 1 pm, she's also upset so I suppose something sweet would be nice. Hmm, I have eggs and a few slices of the bread I made last week....I was going to make rice for lunch but I'll hold that off for now. Milk....I have enough milk; would she prefer coffee or tea? Ah but I don't have tea leaves so coffee will have to do; cold coffee would be better."

She assembled the ingredients on the counter then began preparing by cracking and beating eggs with milk in a container, she then dipped a few bread slices in the mixture then toasted them on a pan with butter before stacking the slices on a plate and garnishing with honey drizzle. She looked at the plate and felt it was quite empty, like it was missing something. She pondered for some time then searched through her fridge and found some strawberries to decorate the plate with.

She then looked at the finished product with a smile, "Well, hopefully she likes this...."


The two of you were seated beside each other on the bed, drinking coffee and watching TV together. You thanked her for the French toast earlier then offered to wash the dishes but she didn't let you, saying it's not a big deal.

"Y/n, I don't mean it in an offensive manner but it would have been better if you didn't come to study today after all that happened. I don't mean to say that you wasted my time but it would have been better for you mentally."

"Oh....I understand that, I'm really sorry about it. It's just....m-my mom told me to leave and I couldn't understand what to do, then your message came and I thought I should clear my head and study for the future...."

Ms Rosalyne looked down then nodded, "In that case, does your mother know you are here?"

Your eyes widened and you guiltily looked away, "No....I didn't say anything and just drove away."

Ms Rosalyne sighed, "Then inform her, Y/n. She is your mother, after all. You said you know she didn't mean to be angry then it's natural she would be worrying for you. She might have calmed down now so you should try to talk to her."

Just as she said that, your phone rung and you hurriedly took it out to see it was your mother calling.

"Is it her?" Ms Rosalyne asked and you nodded. She then smiled and picked up your plate and cups then stood up in order to walk out.

"Talk to her freely."

She closed the door as she walked out and went to the kitchen, you took a few deep breaths then finally answered the phone, "Mom?"

"Y/n! Thank god, my darling! Are you alright?! Where are you right now?! I'm so sorry for shouting at you, my baby! I didn't mean to, I really didn't mean to! I was so stressed from the recent shifts at work then this just overwhelmed me all of a sudden....!"

Your mother spoke in a distressed voice, showing her clear worry for you as she continued apologizing and trying to explain herself.

"M-Mom, it's alright, I'm fine. I'm at Ms Rosalyne's home for tuitions...."

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