Chapter 27

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The week of the finals began; you were seated in the designated classroom for the first exam when you noticed the students around you giving you strange glances every now and then.

"Is it because of the band-aid....? Does it look that weird?"

Suddenly, someone tapped your right shoulder and you turned to look to find your classmate, Amber, seated there.

"Y/n, are you okay? How did you get hurt?"

"O-Oh....uh, it was just a cat scratch. A cat scratched me pretty badly, hehe~"

You chuckled as a way brush off the topic in hopes that she wouldn't ponder upon it too much. Your classmate seemed suspicious but gave a nod nevertheless.

"I see, please take care of yourself."

You smiled, "Thank you, I will."

"By the way...." she whispered and leaned closer to you, "....Did you hear that Mike, Steve and Theo got suspended?"

Your eyes widened briefly, "Oh, really? Why is that?"

"I have no idea. I just heard rumours that they apparently assaulted someone last Thursday. Some people heard shouts from our classroom during lunch, and some saw them at the Dean's office."

"I-I see....ahem, sounds pretty bad."

You coughed out and she looked at you suspiciously once again, she was about to speak something but the teacher soon came in and started distributing the papers. You were the first one to finish the exam as you confidently knew most of the questions and were extremely focused in writing; this was an important week for you, all your and Ms Rosalyne's hard work of the past 6 months was being tested right now and you didn't want to let her down.

The first 3 exams went smoothly but you were worried for the remaining 2 as you still had doubts in those subjects and weren't confident that you knew them well. Your mother proposed that you stay at Ms Rosalyne's place for the weekend and study for them with her since she would be able to help you better that way. Ms Rosalyne agreed and here you were back in her house on Friday evening, carrying a small backpack with your clothes and books. You were a little embarrassed to accept this, but at the same time you were quite comfortable at her place and didn't feel weird.

"You can sleep in my room, Y/n. I'll take the couch."

"O-Oh, no please! I'll take the couch! You don't need to trouble yourself, ma'am!"

"N-No, you are like a guest I can't have you sleeping on a mere couch."

"No, ma'am, I'd feel too bad for staying then. It would be better if I only came for a few hours...."

You both stared at each other in silence awkwardly, she then sighed and lightly scratched her cheek as a faint blush appeared on her face.

"Well, the bed is big enough for 2 people so we can sleep together...."

You too blushed now then nodded, "O-Okay, if you don't mind, ma'am...."

"N-Not at all...."

You both trailed off with a blush then she cleared her throat and walked towards the sofa, "Well then, let's have a short session before dinner. I won't have you pulling all-nighters, I'll devise a small study plan for the 2 days and we'll follow that, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

You circled around the sofa and sat down beside her then took out your books and started studying. Sometime later, she noticed how you were continuously swiping away your bangs from your eyes as they were coming in the way. She got up saying she'll be back soon and went to her room to look for something before coming back in less than 2 minutes. 

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