Chapter 41

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A/N: I'm really sorry for the long absence but first of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Huge thanks to all of you for sticking around and making this turbulent year easier for me! I love all of you and wish the best in this new year! <3 I actually started an office job last week which is why I have been behind on updates, I really planned to post this on 31st to match up the story but everything was so busy then my job would get me tired every night hence here it is now :(


The days after your birthday, Rosalyne contemplated various things. It's true she indeed had work to do from the university but her mind was distracted most of the time. She wanted to do more things with you, she didn't want to spend New Years Eve all by herself in her lonely apartment while watching the same old movies and thinking of him.... But she couldn't bring herself to invite you outright. 

Many times, she picked up her phone and typed 'Would you like to meet up on 31st?' in your chat but deleted it before sending, she hoped you'd rather invite her but she knew she shouldn't hold out for expectations. Then a sudden call from your mother on 28th December took her by surprise. An invite for a gathering on New Years Eve at your apartment? Oh, how the stars work. Still, she was surprised that your mother was the one inviting her and she was rather eager about it as well. But if it meant that she could be with you on the special day then she was more than happy to accept.


Presently, you watched as Ms Rosalyne entered your house and followed your mother to sit in the living room. You were confused out of your mind, what was this situation?

"M-Mom, what's happening....?"

"Hm? Oh, I invited her for the event tonight. They did tell us we are free to invite more friends so I felt Ms Rosalyne is the perfect person, and she was also free so she agreed~"

You became flustered, "B-But you should tell me first, you know?!"

It was an embarrassing situation. You had not showered today and barely combed your bed hair and were wearing clothes from 2 days ago.... and Ms Rosalyne saw you in this dreaded state. You looked at her and she simply smiled like always but you couldn't stand in front of her this way. You immediately went to your room and locked the door before making preparations to bathe and wear better clothes. Your mother softly chuckled before turning to Ms Rosalyne and engaging in small talk with her.

"How could she do this and not tell me?! Dammit, I was looking so bad and she saw me that way.... Ugh, I want to curl up and die!!!"

You pouted as you stood under the warm shower and quickly washed yourself, "....Is my mom planning something? Don't tell me she's trying to—?!"

The only possibility you could think was your mother somehow trying to get you with Ms Rosalyne given that she said she's supporting you in this. You got ready as fast as you could since you didn't want your mother to do something embarrassing but it seems you were too late. You came out to the living room after 20 minutes and saw both of them sitting side by side and looking at something kept on the table, their backs turned to you.

"Ah, and this one is when she was 2.... Oh, she was so cute back then!~" your mother giggled and Ms Rosalyne also smiled along.

"M-Mom, what are you doing?"

"Oh, Y/n, perfect timing! Could you get us some water, please?~"

"O-Okay...." you slowly went to the kitchen and filled up 2 glasses of water then carried them out to serve both of them. You reached the tableside and finally saw what they were looking at, and you wish you didn't come at all.

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