Chapter 26

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Ms Rosalyne watched you from her balcony as you sat inside your car and drove away before going back to her apartment herself. All of a sudden, she felt weightless. She let out a long sigh as she stood at the doorway then walked over to the sofa and sat down with a slump. Her shoulders dropped and she rested back while holding her head, pinching her temple. She thought back to everything that happened in the span of merely a few hours and felt confused, upset and guilty.

"Why did it have to escalate to this? Y/n....why must you do that? All that you said for hurt for me....Why? No student ever did anything like this for fact, nobody even remotely cared for me as a human. Especially not after that incident....My attitude towards work changed so much, my interactions with students and colleagues reduced to just what was sufficient....I wanted nothing more at that time. And now, all of a sudden....with Y/n I feel different. I couldn't bear looking at her hurt face, it tore me from inside....What is happening?"

Her eyes became watery, she removed her patch and wiped her eyes then covered her face with her hands and looked down. All of a sudden, she felt the metal ring on her hand and looked at it before caressing it, feeling its secure hold on her skin. Over the years, it gave her comfort being able to feel the ring as she felt close to him, no matter where he was now. But at this moment, even the ring couldn't calm her beating heart and the fleeting feeling in her stomach. 

Few moments later, her phone rang and she picked it up to see Lisa was calling. She wiped her face once again and cleared her throat before answering the call.

"Ah, thank god you picked up! What happened? Is Y/n alright?" Lisa spoke in a distressed tone.

"Yes, she's fine. I just sent her home."

"That's a relief, I was so worried. And what happened with the Dean? How did she get hurt in the first place?"

Rosalyne explained the whole incident to her, starting from when she found you in the classroom with the boys and that you four were fighting over some pictures they recorded, and ending with the punishment that was decided.

"I can't believe this....Rosa, this is absolutely disgusting! Did you really accept that light of a punishment?!"

"Of course, I didn't! I was hellbent on calling their parents and expelling them, I even threatened them to leave the job and expose all this to the media!"

"Then why did you not pursue it further?!"

"Because—!" she almost shouted but calmed down, "Hah~ Because Y/n insisted to not call her mother nor the police....she didn't want to be involved in another police case. I didn't like it but I....I couldn't deny her."

Lisa was more surprised but understood, "I see....I would likely do the same in your place. But Rosa, the other thing that you told me....about that bastard."

"....I know, I'll be careful."

"It's so disgusting we have a person like him in our workplace, among young students. Who knows how many other teachers and students he has hit up this way.....I should have understood all his advances towards you and warned you beforehand. I'm still telling you we should confront him and report him, he needs to be put in jail for all this."

"We have no proof, Lisa. He'll just delete all the photos he has and deny all accusations. The only other leads are those 3 boys but it's better to not involve them deeper in this, I'm more worried about how Y/n's mother will react when she finds out...."

Lisa smiled softly, "Is her mother quite strict?"

"Hmm, I wouldn't say strict but she certainly cares a lot, almost in an overprotective sense. I mean, it is quite understandable why she is."

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