Chapter 48

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Mr Ren held a tight grip around Rosalyne, his right hand held up high with the ring and his left firmly holding her close making their bodies press. She was ashamed, and downright disgusted by his behavior. She didn't imagine he'd make such a move in a public place, right after all their colleagues had gone. She wondered if some of their colleagues were part of the plan, they had to be. Her department hated her, even though all she did was her duties as the head and ensure maximum results while keeping everyone steady.

"Listen to me, Rosa. Haven't you been lonely and pent-up all these years? You act so confident in front of everyone, but deep down you are just a needy broken woman, aren't you?~" Mr Ren whispered in her ear further.

"Trust me, I'll make you see heaven. Stop wearing the ring of a dead man, I'll give you much better things. Money, sex, whatever you want. All you have to do is become mine~" he licked up her ear and she shivered, clenching onto his coat and trying to move away.

Rosalyne's mind was becoming hazy by the moment, she could barely make out his words now. But she knew she had to get away, it was her last-minute survival instinct kicking in. She looked at her ring in his hand and made up her mind. She loosened her grip on his coat and instead proceeded to wrap her arms around his neck, a smirk forming on his way looking at her finally give in. But the next moment he felt excruciating pain instead.

"Stay away from me, bastard!" she shouted and stomped her heel on his foot, hitting the perfect pain point on his toes followed by a knee kick to his groin. He dropped the ring and flinched away in pain, screaming and letting go of her for a moment. Rosalyne attempted to pick up the ring as it rolled away behind her but her body felt weak and she limped, her hazy state making her confused. She couldn't crouch down in time to pick up the ring and run away as he retorted by grabbing her again.

"You bitch! You will fucking pay for that!" he shouted then violently pushed her away. She couldn't balance herself now and was bound to fall, but something- or somebody- held her. She expected to hit the ground but a secure embrace was wrapped around her, followed by a familiar touch and voice ringing in her ears.

"Ma'am! Are you okay?!"

She couldn't believe her ears if the voice she heard was real, perhaps she had already fainted and was dreaming of being with the person she had come to trust most now, wishing that person could be here and take her away. She felt unbearable heat in her body and her vision becoming blurry, but she tiredly made an effort to look up to see just who held her.

"Y/n....?" she parted her lips but no voice came out, she couldn't even mumble your name now.

"You asshole! How dare you treat her this way?! I will fucking call the cops on you right now!" you angrily shouted at Mr Ren, a fierce expression on your face that was unseen by anyone. Ms Rosalyne heard your shout and was shocked as well; it was her first time seeing you become so angry.

"You- Y/n, right?! You bitch ruining my plan a second time! I won't have it!" Mr Ren shouted back at you through gritted teeth.

"Come near me I dare you! Step an inch forward right now, you asshole!"

You provoked him more while shielding Ms Rosalyne in your arms. Mr Ren flinched at your words and found it hard to believe how confident you were, until he looked around to see what you meant- a crowd was beginning to gather due to all the shouting and some people looked ready to jump in between and restrain him. You also took out your phone to call the police but he gave up and ran away before anyone could react, and you decided to focus on Ms Rosalyne first.

"Ma'am! Ma'am! Are you okay?! Please say something!" you desperately called out and she finally opened her eye, your worried face coming in her view and she couldn't describe the relief she felt.

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