Chapter 32

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Rosalyne spared no thought to wait or look back at Lisa as she swiftly rushed towards her apartment and shut the door once she was in. She breathed out rapidly while leaning against the door before walking in and going into her room, mind muddled with emotional and serious thoughts. She plopped down on her bed and glanced at her ring, continuously thinking of Lisa's words. Before she knew it, her vision was blurred with tears and she started sobbing by hugging a pillow closely.

"I-It's not like....I wanted wear the ring of a dead man I never even married....who wants that?! I did not ask for this.....I asked for none of this! But....!"

She cried out into the pillow as old memories flowed into her mind; she remembered her time with her dear love who gave her both beautiful as well as painful memories. She has known for a long time that nothing can be changed; he is gone. Their time together meant everything to her, like droplets of rain on a barren wasteland nourishing it with life. But flames consumed the land and plunged it into eternal winter, and the rain that previously comforted it could only produce the same snow that now engulfed it.

Rosalyne eventually cried to sleep only to make up hours later in a disheveled state; clothes all scattered, makeup running dry down her face, hair entangled messily. She groaned as she sat up and picked up her phone to find a few messages from you, starting with informing her that you had reached home followed by asking if things were alright between her and Lisa. Her body moved on its own as her fingers clicked the call button on your chat only for her to immediately cancel it out of shock.

She furrowed her brows and put away her phone to get up and freshen up, taking a warm shower and wearing some comfortable nightwear. She came back to check a missed call from you on her phone and soon a message asking her what had happened, she was in no mood to reply right now but she won't ignore you. She went to the kitchen and made some dinner for herself then came back and sat on her bed while switching on the TV then finally picking up her phone to call you.

"Hello? Ma'am? Is everything okay?"

"....Yes, I'm fine. It was an accidental call."

"I see...Uh, did things work out between you and Ms Lisa?"

She knew you would ask that; normally she would have ignored the question had it been someone else asking but she couldn't deny you.

".....I wouldn't say they ended well but we'll sort it out, I know that."

"Oh...I see. Um, i-if I could help in some manner then....I'd love to."

Rosalyne smiled to herself, "Thank you, Y/n. But don't worry about it. You tell me, you reached home safely?"

"Y-Yes, I did. I was just looking over some study materials now..."

She chuckled, "You didn't listen to what I said, did you?~"

"N-No! It isn't that! This is just some small topics I thought to revise as I notice I keep forgetting them....y-you only told me to take extra care with them."

"Hehe~ I see. Still, don't forget to relax and enjoy the holidays. Do you have any plans later on around Christmas?"

"No, nothing....I'll just be at home as usual. What about you, ma'am?"

"Mhm, same here. I'll visit the shelter one day to greet them then just return home."

"Oh, now that you mention it, I was also thinking of going there again...."

"Well....perhaps we can fix up a day to go together, if you want to?"

"O-Oh, sure! It would be my pleasure....I'm fine with any day as per your convenience."

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