Chapter 23

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Approximately 2 weeks before finals, you were seated inside Ms Rosalyne's office as called by her to help in some work.

"Y/n, what do you say about giving a presentation with me?" Ms Rosalyne questioned from across the desk while writing on her paper.

"Uh, a presentation on what?"

"Chemistry, of course. There is a counselling session this Thursday for first years. Each department has to present about their subject, it's scope and significance."

"Wait, a counselling at this time? It's almost 6 months into the term already."

"I know....Hah~ It's really quite ridiculous. One day, I took a lecture in the Engineering batch as substitution. I don't know what happened but after that day, I and the Dean received numerous requests to know more about Chemistry and what kind of jobs they can do with it. Some even wondered if they can change their stream since Engineering gets it only for first year."

You looked at her wide-eyed then smiled softly, "Haha I see, it's because you taught them so well that they want to pursue it now...."

"....All I did was teach whatever was in the book." Ms Rosalyne spoke with a slight blush.

"No, but, it does make a difference. I can relate with them....After all, I too found my passion for it again because of you, ma'am."

Ms Rosalyne blushed more and averted her gaze then cleared her throat, "A-Ahem, anyways. Do you want to do it?"

"What would I have to speak exactly?"

"You don't have to worry about the technical material, I already have most of it ready. I just want you to briefly share your own experience studying it. You are a senior, it would be more effective if they heard from you."

"I see....Um, may I ask why me? I-I believe there are better people in my class like Amber or even Jake, you know?"

"Y/n....are you scared of being on stage?"

"I....just don't want to make a fool of myself in front of juniors...."

Ms Rosalyne looked at you seriously then gently held your hand, "I believe you are the best for it. You have shown the most improvement over the term and I know you are the most passionate for the subject for the sake of knowledge and not just marks. And this will be a good opportunity for you to become more confident and show yourself, I told you it's important to develop such skills, right?"

You thought for some time then nodded, "Alright, I'll do it. Thank you for considering me, ma'am. I won't disappoint you."

Ms Rosalyne smiled, "I know you won't. Don't stress over it too much, it's just going to be a small session. Show me your writeup by Wednesday and I'll tell you the rest of the programme details then as well."

Agreeing upon the request, for the next 2 days you worked upon your script diligently since you wanted to do good. It was the first time you got an opportunity like this since you joined the institute, you had initially wished to apply for the Student Council but you knew it was impossible for you now because your studies required much more time and effort. Not to mention, you wanted to do good for Ms Rosalyne's sake

The day for the session came soon enough and you were in the auditorium at 10 am as instructed by Ms Rosalyne. She called you beside her in the backstage area to explain the flow of the program and when you'd have to speak. You took a glance at the audience and noticed the hall was almost filled to the brim, making you slightly nervous but Ms Rosalyne assured you that you'll do good.

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