Chapter 25

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Ms Rosalyne took you out of the Dean's office, telling you that she'll take you home to treat your wound properly. She picked up her things from her office on the way and then walked towards the parking lot together.

"Did you come by your car, Y/n?"

"Y-Yes, it's there." you pointed to the right towards a red hatchback.

"Give me the keys, I'll drive you."

You would have usually refuted but you knew she wasn't going to listen to anything right now hence handed over the keys and hopped in together. She turned to face you all of a sudden and held your face, bringing it close to examine the injury.

"Does it burn or sting in any way, Y/n?"

"N-No..." you barely spoke, too overwhelmed by her closeness.

"'s also not bleeding as much so it's safe to say it isn't a deep cut. I thought of stopping at a clinic in case it's too serious but I can take care of this on my own. Unless, you would prefer to go to a clinic and get proper dressing?"

"No, I'm fine with this...."

She nodded with a melancholic look and caressed your face for a while before letting go and starting to drive. It surprised you how much concerned she was for you, you don't know what was decided with the Dean but from the faint noises you could hear, it was evident Ms Rosalyne was hellbent and genuinely angry. Not to mention, she practically cared for nothing else and is driving you home now even though there's still an hour left until closing. However, it also warmed your heart to a great extent....

She stopped the car in front of a medical store near her apartment and bought some bandages and medicine before continuing to drive. The two of you didn't speak anything during the whole way, you eagerly wanted to ask what she talked about with the Dean along with some other things but you felt now was not the right time. You both reached her apartment and went up to her flat as she asked you to sit on the couch while she kept away her things and bought the medical kit.

She didn't take long to come out with a standard first-aid kit and sat beside you on the sofa, proceeding to open the box and take out the other things she bought on the way. She also briefly searched on the internet for the right treatment of such wound in order to confirm there won't be side effects. She then applied some antiseptic cream on a gauze pad and placed it on the cut gently, the slight force and feel of the cream making you hiss. She then asked you to hold it in place while she put a strip of medical tape over it to stick it to your face.

"Are you hurt anywhere else, Y/n? You were pushed to the ground so are there any other scratches or even muscle pain?"

"N-No, I'm fine. Just slight headache but nothing severe. Thank you very much for doing this, ma'am. There really was no need for you to...."

Ms Rosalyne sighed and proceeded to pack up the things in the kit, "I only did what was right as a teacher in a situation like that."

You were surprised for a moment but nodded, she packed the box and kept it on the front table before sitting back on the sofa with you. Once again, there was a strange silence. You weren't sure what to say, there were so many things going on in your mind but no words came out. Ms Rosalyne was in a similar predicament; she had been acting tough so far but deep down she couldn't shake off one particular thought-

"Why did you do something so reckless?" she muttered in a low voice, loud enough for you to hear since you were sitting quite closely.

"W-What do you mean, ma'am?" you asked nervously, not expecting this from her.

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