Chapter 20

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Author's Note: I should have clarified this earlier but I didn't realize it- the Amber and Alice mentioned are not from the game, they are just random characters. I simply needed a name and settled with those. The only other character from the game is Albedo so far and a surprise guest in the future~


Rosalyne bid you farewell and went inside her apartment to keep away the things she had bought today; she recalled the day as she went about and felt happiness inside that had found someone to go to that reserve with- someone who actually enjoyed being there and wasn't forcing themselves. While she indeed considered Lisa her best friend, she couldn't deny there were a few things she kept from her and which they didn't get along on.

She didn't mind that because she had another person in her life to fulfill those, her significant other whom she loved dearly. Unfortunately, they weren't fated to stay together forever and she had found herself alone once again in her life. She changed drastically after that tragic incident and shut herself away from such feelings, she had decided she didn't need them and that she'd be fine on her own. Yet, it seems things began to change now....

She was having dinner when she was looking through her phone and your text came, a smile immediately spreading across her face and she stopped everything to open your chat instead.

Y/n: Thank you for the cupcakes, ma'am. They are very delicious!

You had them?

Yes, I opened them for dessert just now. My mom also loved them and was asking for the address of the store.

I see, glad to hear that :)

A few moments passed and no message came hence she was about to put her phone down but it vibrated again.

Y/n: Were you able to get everything you needed? Did we miss something?

No, we got everything. Thank you once again for being there, I would have certainly missed some things otherwise

It's the least I can do for you

Rosalyne smiled to herself and thought for a moment while scrolling up in the chat then stopped as she looked at the photos she took of you today. She went through them one by one and felt a warm feeling in her chest that she didn't realize yet, she then saved all of them in a different album which contained her other personal photos.

Were the photos good enough?

Yes, they are lovely! Thank you so much!!

You're welcome :)

Now go to sleep, we have the first lecture tomorrow morning.

Yes, I was just about to. Good night, ma'am

You too

You reacted to her message with a blushing face emoji, making her smile wider. She sighed and kept her phone aside then finished her dinner and made preparations for tomorrow's lesson before turning in to sleep. At your side, you were lying under your blanket and scrolling through your chat with Ms Rosalyne then looking at the photos she sent you, a blush spreading across your face as you giggled to yourself.

You suddenly came across one photo that made you stop and look at it longer than the others. It was the one and only photo of both of you together, a selfie that you had taken with the owner's kitten, Ruby, as proposed by Ms Rosalyne herself. Your gaze trailed over its details intricately, observing the close proximity you had standing right beside her, shoulders touching.

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