Chapter 4

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It was now Wednesday, the second day of your extra class with Ms Rosalyne. You were the first one to reach and took your usual seat, she was going to begin as she didn't expect anyone else to come but surprisingly three more students came- Mike, Steve and Theo. They were an infamous trio around the institute known for their often-mischievous behavior on campus, there were rumours that one of them potentially had a relative in the teaching faculty which is how they would get away with their doings without harsh punishments but nobody knew who or if this was even true in the first place.

"You three....why did you not come on Monday?" Ms Rosalyne questioned.

"We had a match that day, we will be regular from now on." Mike replied in an unusually gleeful tone. Ms Rosalyne sighed and allowed them in as she knew there was no point in arguing with them, she had corrected them since the beginning of the semester and they barely showed any signs of changing but perhaps she could get more opportunities now. They seated themselves on the row behind you and Ms Rosalyne began the lesson.

"Did the three of you redo the paper of assessment 1 by any chance?"

They shook their head sideways and she scoffed, "Hmph, shouldn't have expected any better. Since you have decided to attend these classes then redo that paper and show it to me next time, Y/n already did it and correctly solved most of the questions she previously mistook."

"Yes, ma'am..." They gave a dragged-out reply, clearly showing their disinterest. 

"Do you three have any doubts up till what has been done in class?"

"No, ma'am."

"Fine, then I'll start with what I have prepared."

Writing equations on the board, she asked them to solve and balance them and the three of them all denied saying they don't know how to. She sighed then went to each of them to teach them separately while you read through the chapter and materials given by her. The lesson ended with barely any progress from the last class as she had to individually attend to their needs and couldn't come to you as much but she ensured from next time she'll change her approach and that all four of you will get equal attention.

She exited the class while you packed your bag and were going to get up to leave when you heard the boys whisper behind you.

"Yooo these classes are gonna be useful for the photos hahaha!" Theo remarked.

"Damn true! Did you get any good shots today?!" Steve followed.

You furrowed your brows and thought of asking them what they meant but decided to stay out of their business as you didn't want trouble for yourself. The week passed in a normal manner with your regular classes and extra lessons, the three boys attended all classes up till Friday's extra class which surprised Ms Rosalyne quite a bit but she also felt happy as she assumed they wanted to improve. Unfortunately, they took most of her attention in the classes causing you to be left out.

Ms Rosalyne had observed this and felt guilty for neglecting you despite promising she'd help you as best as she could. She could identify where you struggled in class and within a week, she was able to see the root cause of your poor performance. It was now the next Wednesday and the boys asked to leave early as they had a sports match soon after, giving her the opportunity to focus individually on you. She sat beside you as opposed to standing in front and looked over your notes and problems.

"This girl....her basics are messed up. I can't move on to the advanced topics this way. She requires more tutoring than I expected."

"I-I'm sorry for making these stupid mistakes, ma'am....I should have corrected them last year itself and now you have to-"

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