Chapter 45

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Author's Note: I will be making longer chapters from now on, likely 4-5k words


You had a one-hour lecture with Ms Rosalyne after the seminar, you didn't discuss about Ms Ningguang's offer and focused on studying your subject. It was now time for you to return home as you packed your bag and stood up to bid Ms Rosalyne farewell.

"Make sure to practice those reactions today and read the topics we discussed. I'll see you on Friday at the same time?" Ms Rosalyne spoke with a smile while packing her own things.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you, have a good day."

"You too and...." she paused then walked to your side, standing quite close to you and gazing at you. Your face turned slightly red looking at her so closely then she gently smiled and wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close, softly embracing you. You were surprised and felt your heart skip a beat, you could feel her hand tenderly caressing the back of your head and her lips brushing past your ear.

"Don't worry about that offer, okay? We'll figure it out together and you'll be fine." her voice was soft as silk as it flew in your ear, making you relax and you fought the urge to fall in her arms right there. 

"Mhm.... thank you, ma'am."

You whispered your reply in her ear and she smiled to herself then patted your head more before releasing you and letting you walk out. You breathed out heavily once you were out of her cabin, trying to calm your restless heart. Ms Rosalyne stayed inside for more time and pondered over the eventful day, "....Before the seminar when she was here and I got close to her, there was a unique scent on her.... it was flowery and expensive, clearly a high-ended perfume. Then at the end of the seminar when we took that photo, that same scent was on Ms Ningguang.... What is their relationship? I can't even ask....."

Rosalyne clenched her fists and looked down at her table, her mind muddled with confusion and envy as she couldn't come to any understanding, she lacked so much information and she had no idea of acquiring it. She hated this feeling, being helpless and unaware.

You finally reached home almost an hour later, you were in the process of parking your car when you spotted a very familiar black car parked in the visitor's parking spot and a person wearing a uniform— most likely the driver, was sitting inside. 

"Huh, didn't Ms Ningguang have the same car....?"

You squinted your eyes and suspiciously walked past the car while glancing inside, you didn't remember her car's interior hence were unable to conclude if it was really her car but you couldn't shake off your gut feeling. You went up to your apartment then opened the door to go in and called out to your mother, telling her of your arrival.

"Mom? I'm home."

"Ah, Y/n! Perfect timing, we have a special guest with us~" your mother chimed, and your suspicions grew bigger.

You entered the living room area and to your surprise— yet, not really a surprise— it was Ms Ningguang sitting on the couch. She stood up to greet you and her eyes also widened for a moment but she was quick to regain her calm and smiled at you.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n. My, you have really grown up~"

"....M-Ms Ningguang?!"

You blurted out in surprise, earning a soft chuckle from her and a confused hum from your mother.

"You remember her, Y/n?" your mother asked.

"Remember? N-No, she took a seminar at the institute today.... and we also met in the morning."

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