Chapter 19

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You continued walking around the reserve with Ms Rosalyne, observing all kinds of species and interacting with them while she told you little facts about them. It surprised you how immersed she was in this, clearly showing her love for these little birds and butterflies. Many times, several sparrows approached her and perched upon her shoulders and hands as she lovingly patted them and fed them some grains. This was a stark contrast to her image at the university but you weren't completely unfamiliar with it as you had experienced it yourself at her home as well.

"She's like those princesses in movies......No, princess isn't the right term. Ice queen....Haha, that nickname now seems to mean something else too...."

You smiled to yourself then watched her from afar playing with the animals, a fuzzy feeling growing in your chest looking at her.

"She's so mysterious....So different at the university, then at her home and now here.....People really do have multiple sides, I didn't think I would ever see her outside of the institute but here I am and-"

"Meow~" your thoughts were interrupted as you heard a cat's sound and looked down to find a small white kitten near your feet. You smiled and picked her up and she purred into your palm.

"Oh, is that Ruby?!" Ms Rosalyne exclaimed and walked up to you to pat the cat.

"Ruby?" you questioned.

"Mhm, she's the owner's cat. I didn't think she'd approach you so intently since she isn't open to strangers."

"Oh, I see....Maybe she saw that I was with you so she came out."

Ruby soon jumped to Ms Rosalyne's arms and snuggled into her, Ms Rosalyne chuckled and caressed her body then suddenly thought of something and held your wrist.

"Oh, I just remembered there's another thing to see here. Come along, Y/n!~"


You barely replied as she had already began pulling you with herself, happily leading you towards the mansion. You gazed at her firmly holding your wrist, feeling her soft skin on your own and felt heat rising to your face. You reached the backdoor of the mansion and she opened it to go inside and you were met by a room containing a small animal fenced area that had several puppies in it and another one having a few kittens.

"W-What? Do all of these belong to the owner as well?" you questioned in surprise while Ms Rosalyne went to the window pane and kept Ruby on it.

"Not really. Actually, this place also functions as a shelter-cum-adoption centre for small animals like these. The owner doesn't allow public visits here hence why it isn't advertised outside; one has to take an appointment to meet them if they plan to adopt."

"Then, is it okay for us to be here?"

"Wellll.....I sometimes help in taking care of them so she makes an exception for me~"

You nodded in understanding then kneeled down near the fence with the puppies and looked at them, reluctant to go closer. On the other hand, Ms Rosalyne was already surrounded by kittens all over as she had gone inside the fence and sat between them. You stood up and went near her and she beckoned you to come inside as well and you did then kneeled down beside her and some kittens approached you as well. You slowly caressed their bodies as they rubbed themselves along your thigh then climbed upon your lap and laid on it, earning a chuckle from Ms Rosalyne. 

"Looks like you are famous with kittens, Y/n~"

"You aren't one to talk, ma'am....."

You both laughed out together then continued petting the cats. You glanced at her from time to time seeing how friendly and well-integrated she was with the kittens and thought of certain things.

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