Chapter 40

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A/N: Belated Merry Christmas to all! <3


You sat on the sofa beside your mother as asked by her and nervously anticipated what she wanted to talk about. Various assumptions ran through your mind, the most likely one being related to Ms Rosalyne and how you were spending time with her yesterday.

"What's the matter, mom...?" you hesitantly asked your mother who let out a sigh realizing how nervous you were and smiled.

"I'm not going to scold you about anything so rest easy, sweetheart. I'm just.... curious and somewhat concerned about a few things." she paused and you almost held your breath before she continued, "....Hah~ Let me just get to the point. I want to know the relationship between you and Ms Rosalyne, simple as that."

You were expecting this but it still made you nervous having to face it, you clenched your fists and shifted uncomfortably in your place then your mother gently patted your head.

"Don't be scared, I will listen calmly and with an open mind. Tell me, what's been going on?"

You bit your lower lip and averted your gaze then finally spoke, "It's nothing serious, we are just friends...."

"....Is she the same friend with whom you went out with previously as well? On the days you went to that particular shelter and karaoke?"

You nodded your head in agreement and she continued, "I see, is it always just you two?"

"N-No. At the karaoke, her friend was also there....M-Ms Lisa, our head librarian."

Your mother was slightly surprised but remained calm and resumed, "I see. So, I assume you are friends with her as well.... Interesting."

Your hands trembled; you had no idea where this conversation was headed.

"Look, Y/n.... I'm not against being friends with teachers this way. I know you have always been more mature for your age and hardly got along with people in your age group, and I understand why you may have gotten close with Ms Rosalyne this way. But as a mother, you can't blame me for being slightly concerned about this...."

"I know.... I understand."

Your mother pursed her lips as the inevitable question came in her mind, "....Is there more to your relationship with her?"

Your eyes widened and you swiftly looked at her, "No! Not at all! S-She would never think of that, mom! We are really just simple friends, I-I know she's my teacher first but I promise we have done nothing that would cross the line!"

Your mother smiled softly, "I know she wouldn't, and I know you wouldn't either. But.... that doesn't mean you may not have different thoughts about it even if you don't act upon them."

You remained silent as you realized what your mother was getting at.

"Hehe~ It's not hard to tell when my daughter suddenly asks me about her charm, starts dressing slightly differently whenever she goes to her weekend lessons and talks about her teacher's impressive qualities almost every day~"

Your face reddened up at your mother's playful remark.

"....You like her, don't you, Y/n? You like her more than as a teacher or a friend, you like her romantically. Am I right?"

You looked down as your face heated up more and you were too nervous to look at her, you gave a slight nod of your head and your mother simply patted your head more.

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