Slog By (Spm 7)

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Days slogged by, as Madoka was cleaning and doing her usual duties. She was nervous and knew they probably were going to take her away, but for now no sign or word from any guard. Or her. The princess's absence left something inside of her as unfulfilling. As troublesome as she was, the princess managed to allow Madoka to smile more often. Even the thought of her now made Madoka smile and then become saddened. It was one day when cleaning one of the tight spaces where the princess hid when she was younger, she heard a whisper.


Madoka knew that voice well, and her heart lifted.

"What are you—"

"Save it, you!" The princess's head emerged from behind the sculpture. "Emergency meeting, please, I need you to come to my chambers tonight."


"Yes," the princess's eyes darted down the hallway. "Please, Madoka."

Madoka sighed and closed her eyes. "I will bring you tea. Now git!"

The princess smiled as if her prayers had been answered by the maid using her own strange words and ran back to her room swiftly. Madoka shook her head.

The Maid and Her Princess [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now