Goblin Slaying (Goblin Eschaton 2)

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"Here they come!" Eraziror shouted. Lots of movement flurried through the brush but Madoka readied herself to defend the useless parties behind her.

"I can't believe we're doing this," Kanys muttered. The warhorns blasted and Madoka heard something slice through the air directly at her.

Too slow! Madoka caught the projectile. A dart? She noticed glistening substance coated its blade and released it immediately. She heard the curtain of ears rattle suddenly. Didn't Audrey kick those down already? Madoka whirled around and felt the ground quake as Armor took up defense by her. A deep rumble echoed from the helmet and the maid nodded. In addition to his heavy armor, the tower also wielded an impressive axe. She heard twanging strings in the distance.

"Above!" She called to Audrey and cast the dart aside. Another whizzed by her but bounced harmlessly off of Armor's chest plate. These goblins were clever, she supposed but the main unit was closing in from the tree line.

The princess was readying a spell when she glanced up where Madoka pointed. A volley of arrows were collapsing upon the group! Audrey's hand glowed green and a gust of Wind magic blasted the volley aside. That magic was much more deadly than her Wind Blades, Madoka noted. Smaller forms of dark green were rushing out the forest. The broken arrows raining from the sky must have forced them to attack.

"They're coming," Eraziror remarked and readied his sword. He wore a serious face when he saw Madoka's inquisitive look. "Don't let the little bastards grab your face."

"Eh?" Madoka kept her hand on the knife she took from the cocky adventurer.

"I hope your Lady has a plan to get rid of them," the man spoke behind her. Kanys grunted in agreement. Was this a circus as Audrey called it? Why were they focusing on such silly things? Madoka growled and readied herself. "Here they come!"

The creatures were hideous. They possessed disproportionate green limbs and elongated chins lined with mischievous smiles and fangs. How disgusting! Madoka nearly recoiled from the sight of their bumpy faces. Perhaps they saw the unconscious adventurers behind her and grew even uglier from their greed. Her rune still burned but did not react to these monsters. A dart whizzed by her cheek and left a small cut. She cursed herself. She did not have enough time to worry about it!

"Madoka!" Audrey screamed. Madoka scanned the charging crowd of goblins. The glint of a smaller goblin on its four flashed just as it pounced with a surprising amount of strength. It was targeting Audrey but the maid would not allow it!

Right, Madoka threw her impartial thoughts away. Now was the time for battle and for her to not hold back! She siezed the little creature by the neck. This thing did not seem to be a goblin. By contrast, it was pinkish and moved on all fours. It sniveled and gurgled out noises. Pervasive thoughts invaded her mind.

Give me.
Make me happy!

Its small head unhinged its jaw and released a small proboscis out at her ears. Horror shook her back into combat and before the grotesque and fleshy web could reach her she slashed with her borrowed knife. The acrid smell of green blood plunged its taint scent into her nostrils but she flung the squirming body into the crowd. She determined that she should slay them quickly in order to not hear their discomforting thoughts.

"Strike! Knock 'em down!" Audrey cheered. She was too lax for this situation. Madoka did not like it but she kept it to herself. There were a lot more than just thirty, she gripped the knife in her hand.

"Marvelous!" Eraziror stabbed one and flung it into the air with an upward slash. Arrows soon ripped its body apart from Kanys's bow. The pair worked together well but they only managed to defeat four goblins. The ones before her hesitated and their chittering reeked of fear.

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