Changelog for M&P

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I. 1/15/23

• Maid Meets Her Princess, 2 parts added
• The Strange Princess's Attendant, 2 parts added

II. 1/16/23

Maid Meets Her Princess, part 1.5 added
• The Strange Princess's Maid part 3 added
• The Strange Princess's Attendant debut arc was changed to The Strange Princess's Maid

III. 1/17/23

• The Strange Princess's Maid, all parts added, finished the Strange Princess's Maid story arc

IV. 1/18/23

• Some minor tweaks to the story, some errors and continuity errors changed to fit the story, (someone being older than they should be, etc). Sometimes in drafts items and details get changed but get lost in translation:)
• Part 1.5 of Maid Meets Her Princess has been changed to part 2, and so has the original part 2 to part 3.
• The Blissful Year story arc is being written.

V. 1/19/23

The Blissful Year part 1 has been added!

VI. 1/23/23

• The Blissful Year part 2 added

VII. 1/25/23

• The Blissful Year part 3 added
• Small edits and mistakes fixed, hopefully there's none anymore.

VIII. 1/29/23

• The Blissful Year part 4 and part 5 added

IX. 1/31/2023

• More spelling errors and mistakes fixed in the Strange Princess's Maid's story arc.
The Blissful Year part 6 added

X. 2/2/23

• I accidentally made the date 1/23/24, as in 2024. Sorry, I'm not actually from the future.
• Added a separate title to the Blissful Year story arc - Spring of Colors. The next mini story arc will be the Blissful Year Summer of Light.
• I am not actually that creative at coming up with chapter names and each chapter is so big my iphone lags when I load them. :|

XI. 2/4/23

• The Blissful Year first mini story arc has been renamed to Spring of Colors as previously stated.
• Each following part has been updated accordingly.
• Spring of Colors part 6 and part 7 added

XII. 2/7/23

• Spring of Colors part 8 added

XIII. 2/11/23

• Not dead or anything, just writing up the next mini story arcs.
• Small editing in the Spring of Colors parts.

XIV. 2/12/23

• Spring of Colors part 9 added

XV. 2/16/23

• Summer of Light added
• More spelling errors corrected
• Summer of Light part 2 added

XVI. 2/18/23

• Summer of Light part 3 added
• Summer of Light parts have titles now, not sure if I'll go back and add titles to other parts.

XVII. 2/21/23

• Summer of Light part 4 added

XVIII. 2/27/23

• Summer of Light part 5 added

XIX. 3/1/23

• Summer of Light part 6 added
• A separate book, with non split up and unedited drafts / chapters is now available on my profile page. Feel free to drop by and read them! A fair warning, the chapters are really long!

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