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Derek and Meredith have been dating for a few months now, almost a year. Derek has children, three exactly and she hadn't met any of them.

She didn't blame him though. his ex-wife hadn't been in their lives for a while now, about two years.

and the reason he didn't want her to meet them quite yet was because he thought that if they met Meredith they'd think she was trying to replace their mother.

Shes met them once but not as their father's girlfriend. They bumped into each other at the store once and his kids were with him.

Derek made up that they knew each other from growing up together but the kids didn't believe it because she was much younger than he was.

The only problem was she was starting to think the relationship wouldn't go anywhere because he had kids.

He was too scared of what they'd say or what they'd think. She understood that he cared a great amount for them and she admired that about him, but she didn't want that to be the reason he was holding back.

He had been ignoring Meredith lately. She didn't know if it was on purpose though, Sometimes she understood because he was a busy person and a single father but other times not so much. Sometimes it felt like he just didn't want to talk to her.

She hadn't spoken to him in the past few days because she had also been busy with work and her friend had a mid-life crisis that she had to help sort through.

She was going to arrange a date to talk to Derek about all of it soon.


"you said you wanted to talk?" he asked.

"yes," she placed her drink down and placed her hands in her lap. it was now later in the day now and Derek and mereidth were at her place.

"what about?" he asked leaning back into the sofa.

"do you actually want this relationship to go anywhere?" She asks. he looked at her in surprise for a second.

"Of course I want our relationship to go somewhere," he said. "Alright, and where is that?" She asked.

"I want to marry you one day," he said.

"In order for that to happen you would have to actually tell your kids you're seeing me,"

"what if they hate me for it?" he asked looking at her.

"they will, but they can't hate you forever and they have to expect you to start dating someday," she said.

"fine, fine... I'll tell them but it'll take a bit before they'll accept it and decide they're ready to meet you.. but my oldest daughter... I don't know how she'll take it.. she still thinks her mom is going to come back one day.. Addison has already said she's not coming back and I don't know how to tell her that," he said.

"She'll have to find out one day, she's nine years old you can't let her continue to get her hopes up and believe in something that is never going to happen, she has to move on someday so she can get on with her life... what about the other two?" She said.

"my son knows, he's accepted it and doesn't really care anymore and the youngest still doesn't really know what happened.. she hardly even remembers her mother," he said.

"Do they still think you're in love with her?" I ask. "No, I told them I no longer love their mother but that's the only part that they know," he said.

"Not to sound like a bitch or anything but you should tell them their moms not coming back... does she at least call?" She said.

"once a month. she tells them that she'll see them in two weeks but she never shows up," he said.

"I'll tell them tonight... I'll bribe them with Mcdonalds and Ice cream and then I'll tell them," he said.

"tell them before they get sick and pass out," she giggled.

"maybe that'll distract them from getting mad at me," he smiled small.

"Not likely," she shook her head, smiling.

"I'm sorry you thought I didn't want a future with you and have been ignoring you lately.. I've just had a lot of very long surgeries and sleep is hard to find with that and three kids," he said.

She admired that his kids always come first no matter what. Her friends thought she should hate it because it meant that he would always be with his kids instead of her and that he had no time for a relationship, but she wanted him to put his kids first and he had to even more to do because they only had one parent.. one had already let them down and they couldn't have their only parent do the same.

Words: 780

This chapter isn't written very good but the rest are much better!

Thoughts on the new story???

Thoughts on the new story???

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