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Meredith was now at work. she had finished a few surgeries and she was now outside eating lunch with a few of her friends.

Cristina was sitting next to her while Izzie was sitting across from her, George and Alex were also at the table.

"So... you pregnant yet with all that sex you've been having?" Cristina said as she side eyed her while taking a bite.

"Oh my gosh, I sent you a video of me moaning once, once!" she groaned.

"It was still gross, when did you start moaning like that anyways?" she asked with a disgusted look on her face.

"Like what?!" she became offended.

"like a woman, I don't moan like that,"

"How am I supposed to moan, like a man?" she asked.

"Yes, that's what I do,"

"see this is why you have sex issues," she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up," she glared.

"Meredith, how big is your boyfriends penis?" Izzie asked.

"Um.. I don't know, eight, nine inches?" she shrugged.

"What?!" they all asked at once.

"I don't know, it gets bigger when he's hard and it grows inside me.. you know I'm not comfortable talking about my sex life while we're eating," she ended the subject.

"can I have his number? she asked.

"What?" Meredith asked confused. she looked over at Cristina and they both gave each other a look.

"his number, can I have it?" she asked as she took a bite from her food, as if it was a normal question to ask your friend.

"Derek's number? you want Derek's phone number?" she asked, she wanted to make sure she was hearing the right thing before she got upset.

"Yes, I haven't had good sex in a while and you're saying he's good so I'd figure I'd take a shot," she said.

"You want my boyfriends number? the man I plan to spend the rest of my life with, the man I'm in love with.. just so you can get a good fuck out of it?" she asked as she started to lose it.

"You know she's about to lose it when she starts cursing," George mumbled to himself.

"Yeah, you can still marry him be his kids stepmother or whatever but it's not like it's doing to ruin your relationship or whatever you two are.. it's just a fuck, it doesn't mean anything," she shrugged.

"Well, if it doesn't mean anything then you can find your own guy to fuck, Mine is off limits I'm afraid," she rolled her eyes with a disgusted look on her face and she didn't try to hide either.

"Come on Mer, it doesn't mean anything, it's no big deal.. it's not an insult to you or anything, calm down," she said.

"Excuse me!" she placed her water bottle onto the table, a bit spilling out of the bottle due to the force.

"Hey, anyone want to go out for drinks later?" George asked.

"Yes, that sounds like a great idea!" Cristina agreed, usually she wouldn't agree with him on this but she wanted to get off the subject of Izzie trying to sleep with Meredith's boyfriend.

"Meredith?" George asked.

"I would but I have plans with my boyfriend tonight," she glared at Izzie as she spoke.

"Okay, Izzie, Alex, wanna come?" George asked.

"I have a date with a hooker so I'm busy," Alex said, earning a few looks from Meredith and Cristina.

"I'll go, I have no plans," Izzie said.

"It's a date," George smiled.

"I'm full and I have to get a consult," Meredith said as she picked up her tray and walked away.

"She's grumpy today," Izzie laughed once Meredith was out of sight.

"I'm also suddenly full and need a consult," Cristina said before leaving.

"What should we talk about," she asked once Cristina was out of sight.

"I have surgery," Alex said standing up and walking away.

"and I have... to pee," George said also walking away, leaving Izzie alone with her food.


"I can't believe her, I mean seriously, what the hell was she thinking... I'm going to have to kill her, it's the only option I have," she ranted as she was on the phone with Derek. they both just so happened to have a break at the same time.

"Maybe she was only kidding," he offered. it wasn't having the best day today, he lost every single patient he had operated on today and Meredith calling was just the thing he needed to make his horrible day better.

"No, I wish. she was serious the entire time," she groaned.

"Well at least you know that even if she did try to sleep with me I wouldn't sleep with her anyways," he smiled through the phone as he paced outside the hospital.

"What if it was someone, someone hotter than me?" she asked.

"That's not possible, but if once in a blue moon a woman more attractive then you asked me out I would still say no, you're a handful, it surprises me that you think I would even have time to go to someone else," he chuckled.

"so you've thought about?" she pretended to get upset.

"Yes, it's what I do the second you're out of my sight," he said.

"How many of them have met your kids, do you let them chose your partners?"

"Yes, I find it easier then picking them out myself," he said.

"ugh, I have surgery.. I'll see you tonight?" she smiled

"Yes, baby, I'll see you tonight," he smiled as the nickname formed knots in her stomach.

"I love you, bye," she couldn't wipe off the stupid smile off her face.

"Love you too, bye. good luck with your surgery,"

"Thank you," she hung up the phone. she put her phone back into her pocket before turning to leave the hallway.

she stopped in her tracks when she saw her boss, Dr. Bailey glaring at her from the other end of the fall, her smile dropped.

"he doesn't work here," she said.

"go scrub in," she said as she continued to glare at her. she nodded and went to go scrub in.

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