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"You're kidding? Seriously?" Cristina said as Meredith had just broken the news that she was pregnant.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Were you and Derek still trying?" She asked.

"Well, sort of. I think we kinda forgot about it and it just kind of happened. We didn't have babies in mind but we also weren't thinking about avoiding it either," she said. They were in the tunnels where they were alone.

"Are we happy about this?" She asked. "Yes, I've already told Derek," she said.

"Well, congratulations!" She laughed as she pulled Meredith in for a hug.

"Have you guys told his kids yet?" She asked as they pulled away.

"No, not yet. We're not sure how to. I mean Madeleines just started to like me but I don't know how she'll feel about me bringing a baby into the house. Violet will probably be excited because she's Violet but Michael... I don't know, he skipped two classes the day I found out. He hasn't really had an opinion on our relationship but this might set him off, especially if the baby ends up being a boy," she confessed.

"From what I've heard about this Michael he sounds like a sociopath. Madeleine was a little evil at first but at least she had feelings, you should be careful with him," Cristina sighed.

"He's nine years old. What's the worst he could do?" She said.

"Nine-year-old sociopaths are crazy. You can never know what to expect. Just keep him supervised when the baby is born, keep a camera in her or his room, and keep the baby in your bedroom for the first three months," she says.

"You know you've never met them before," she smiled.

"Don't smirk at me like that. I don't want to meet those little demons," she said.

"Why not? Violet would love you," she giggled.

"She sounds like one of those kids that are too comfortable, too trusting, and want to play with you for hours," she said.

"Well, she has a big heart. Try waking up to her," she said.

"My point exactly," she said. "She doesn't tell you she's there sometimes. She just watches you until you wake up and then smiles," she says.

"Sees that's scary," Cristina says. "Yeah, but Derek does the same thing. He always wakes up before I do, he says it's because I snore but I don't believe it," Meredith says.

"Believe it. I've slept in your bed with you before. You snore like a truck driver. I've just been with so many snoring men I got used to it," she said.

"How do I snore that bad?" She said. "I don't know maybe it's in your genes or something," she said.

"I swear Derek was seconds away from breaking up with me when I started making him sleep in bed when I snored. I got him these earplugs that seemed to help. He didn't hate me anymore and he finally shaved. He slept like a baby that night," she smiled.

"Yeah because you had to suck his dick as an apology," she said.

"H-how did you know that?" She asked in shock.

"Because you don't know how to say sorry. It takes you like thirty minutes to get to the point. If you could suck everybody's dick as an apology, you would," she said.

"Shut up, I would not," she said. "Yeah, you would. We never even apologize. We just state that we regret it all and move on," she said.

"Well because we already know how we feel. There's no need to say it and feel it all. We just get in with our lives," she said.

"And that's why you're my person and not izzie," she said.

"I don't talk to izzie because she tried sleeping with Derek without thinking anything of it," she said.

"You should have seen her when you were in a coma. She was all over him, asking if he was okay if he needed anything. She even offered to help with the kids," she laughed.

"Seriously? Madeleine didn't even like me and I had just met her. She would have eaten Izzie alive on the spot," she said.

"And then you miraculously woke up and her fun was over because Derek was at your side 24/7," she said.

"And he wasn't when I was in a coma?" She asked.

"No he was but sometimes he'd leave the room to go get a coffee or something to eat from the cafeteria. Richard made him, apparently they go back," she said.

"Richard used to be his mentor. Derek's ex-wife too," she said.

"She never calls to check up on the kids or Derek, or anything like that?" She asked.

"No, I've never heard from her. I've only seen pictures in the kids' room. They each have the same photo of her, Derek and all three kids together," she said.

"And you haven't shattered them all?" She said. "No, it was just a photo that they smiled for. Derek and his ex-wife were never happy," she said.

"Then why get married?" She asked. "Because Addison got pregnant with Madeleine and they were still kinda young so they figured it would be best," she said.

"And now he's divorced, knocked you up and marrying you. The cycle repeats," she said.

"Derek and I aren't getting married because I'm pregnant. He proposed like a year before I got pregnant," she said.

"As long as you two are doing it for the right reasons," she said.

"There is only one reason," she said. "Because you're in love?" She mocked. "Yes," she smiled softly.



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