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when Meredith got out of bed she and took a quick shower before getting dressed into a clean pair of silk pajamas.

she chose to let her hair air dry instead of blow drying it. she grabbed a hair tie and a few bobby pins and braided her while pinning her bangs back.

she wasn't in the mood to get dressed, or go to work, or do anything. she had to find a lawyer and talk to them about all the arrangements about her mothers belongings and placing her in the right home. she couldn't put her in just some random nursing home.

they were many nursing homes that treated the people there horribly and didn't take care of them or treated with respect or like humans.

She hated what her mother had done to her as a child and hated how her mother had treated her all those years, but she wouldn't be any better of a person if she treated her mother horribly in return.

She didn't want to have to around her mother constantly just to take care of her, she wanted to put her in a home so she could still live her life without having to take care of someone who never took care of her.

Once she had finished with her hair she left the bathroom. When she walked into the kitchen she found Derek in the kitchen.

There he stood, shirtless standing before her oven cooking breakfast.

"How is it going?" She asked softly as she walked up behind him.

"I'm cooking for you," he chuckled. She wrapped his arm around his waist and and pressed the side of her head against his bare back.

"How are you, are you okay after everything with your mother?" He asked as he continued to scramble the eggs in the pan.

"I will be. I Just need to get everything under control with the lawyers in all so she can be placed in a nursing home and then eventually we'll have to get all her finances figured out etc, etc," she sighed.

"You don't want to take care of her?" He questioned. He still didn't know about Meredith's childhood, he knew that they weren't close and that Ellis had done something that effected them forever, he just didn't know what she had done.

"No, I have a career and I don't have the time to take care of her right now. She would be in better care if she was with people who had time for her," she pulled back slightly to press soft kisses against his back.

"Do you work out a lot?" She asked. She noticed his muscles had gotten larger and his body became more toned. She had noticed his muscles flexing when he moved, especially when he wore a tighter shirt.

"Yes, I was waiting for you to notice," he chuckled.

"I noticed a while before.. I just didn't want to sound like you needed to work out or for you to get the wrong idea," she pulled back as he turned around facing her.

Her eyes didn't meet his, instead they travelled down his un-trimmed chest before landing on his lower abdomen.

Her fingers found their way to him, lightly running her fingers over it, outlining the eight pack that formed there.

She was turned on but it was too early and they both had things planned for the rest of the day.. so for now she had to resist.

"Won't the kids notice you're here instead of at home?" She swallowed the feeling inside her before moving to stand next to him.
She watched as he turned his attention back to the stove and finished with eggs before sliding them from the pan to the plate.

"I always go to work early. I'll be back to take to school and then I'll go to work," he kissed her lips before he finished with the cooking.

Once Derek had finished cooking they both sat down at the table and ate breakfast.

They had finished they're meal when Derek offered to do the dishes so Meredith could go get dressed for the day.

She finished getting ready for the day. She was tired from lack of sleep and her body felt exhausted after a night of crying.

She didn't feel like dressing nice as she did most days so she went with her lavender sweater and pair of jeans as well as some simple black heeled boots. The clicking of the heels always made her feel more powerful so she preferred them over regular shoes.

She blow dried the remaining dampness in her hair before lightly curling it.

Due to her lack of sleep her under eyes had become darker and her eyes her slightly pink.

She used a light layer of concealer to cover them. She put on a light layer mascara before she left the bedroom.

She found Derek was already at the front door about to leave.

"You weren't going to say goodbye first?" She teased.

"I was waiting for you," he smiled as he finished pulling on his coat.

She fixed his coat a bit before buttoning it for him. He placed his hands at her waist for leaning down to press a passionate kiss to her lips.

"I'll see you later, call me tonight," he found his fingers sliding under her shirt before pushing them into the waist of her jeans, feeling her hip bone against his skin.

"Okay," she pulled away from him.

They said their goodbyes and 'I love you's before Derek left her place and she also left the house not long after he did.

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