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Derek was now at home. He had gotten Mark to pick up the kids from school for him and watch them for a bit while he was with Meredith.

He really wanted to be with Meredith and have a good relationship with her and for it to lead somewhere but that wouldn't be able to happen unless he made it happen.

The only way their relationship could be taken to the next level was if the children knew he was seeing someone.

Derek had already been looking at engagement rings but he knew he couldn't buy one before the kids knew about her.

They would already be mad about him seeing someone but they would be even more upset if they found out he proposed to someone they had never met.

He didn't want mereidth to think that they weren't going anywhere because they were, he just needed to tell the children.

Derek had three kids, the oldest being his daughter Madeleine Grace Shepherd. Everybody mistook her name for Madeline.

She was nine years old and the most stubborn one, she was also the most like Addison.

She still believed that her mother was coming back and Derek brining home another woman would interfere with that, she was the one he was most worried about.

Then he had a son, Michael Christopher Shepherd who was seven. Michael was the most like Derek. He was one of the very few children that actually enjoyed going to school and learning different things.

He sometimes wondered if his mother was going to come home but other times he didn't want her to. If she didn't care enough to have come in the past two years why would she start now?

Then their was his youngest daughter, Violet Rose Shepherd. Violet was youngest of the Shepherd family, the baby of the family. She of course was a Daddy's girl, both of the girls were.

She was the easy one, she didn't understand what was going on most of the time and never really understood what happened with her mother as she was too young to remember her, Violet was three when her mother left and she was now five.

Derek walked through the door of his house. his house was rarely quiet but today it was very quiet.

"Where are the kids?" he asked as he walked into the living room where Mark was watching the game.

"They're in their rooms I think," he replied not taking his eyes off the tv.

"You think? I leave my children in the care of you and you think they're in their rooms?" he asked.

"What's the worst they're going to do? they're not psychopaths, at least not diagnosed anyways," he shrugged.

"Very helpful. you'll make a great father one day," he rolled his eyes. he placed his work bag on the floor next to the couch before tossing his coat on the back of the couch.

he went upstairs to where the children's rooms were. when he got to Violet's door he gently knocked on the door before opening it.

"Need any help with that?" he asked as she sat her desk doing some of her homework.

"No, I think it's easy today," she said keeping her eyes on her paper.

"How do you feel about Mcdonalds for dinner?" he said nervously.

"Really?" she said with a grin.

"Yes, you can order whatever you want and I then I need to give you, your brother and your sister some news,"

"Is it good news?"

"I think it's good news, I think you'll think it's good news... but I'm not sure your sister will think it's good news," he said.

"Maddy thinks everything is bad news," she said.

"I know, I'll go order it," he said. he kissed her head before leaving the room.

 he kissed her head before leaving the room

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