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Another two months had gone by and Meredith was going to be able to try walking again which of course meant she needed a lot of help from Derek so she doesn't fall.

if she had it her way she would be doing it alone, without Derek so she could go as fast or as slow as she wanted. but Derek knew she would overestimate herself and go too quickly and end up hurting herself and doing more harm than good.

the sooner Meredith could walk again the sooner things could go back to normal and they could finally put the car crash behind them and move on with their lives.

it was getting late and the sun was close to setting and Meredith refused to try walking again. with each time they tried she couldn't focus on getting one foot in front of the other, and now she was stuck in bed and refused to get up.

"Meredith, it's getting late, let's just try one more time," He begged for the hundredth time. "No, I don't want to try anymore, I'm tired," she said.

"Just one more time, Mer and then you can go to sleep," he said. "No, just let it go," she said. "Meredith, just once more and then I'll leave you alone,"

"Fine, but if I'm going to try and walk again then I want you out of the room, I can't do it with you in the room because I'm just worried about what you want, if you would just let me do it on my own then it would be easier, if I need your help I promise to let you know but I don't want your help,"

"Fine, I'll let you do it alone just this once, but if you fall or start to fall or anything hurts let me know and I'll come in," he said. "I know, just go please,"

"Alright, fine," he kisses her cheek before leaving the room. he closed the door behind him and pressed his back against the door so he could hear if anything happened.

she sat in bed and took a minute before she moved her legs off the side of the bed. She stood up and straightened her back and used the cane Derek got her. She hated it so she made her goal to be able to walk without it.

she could feel the sting in both her legs but decided to ignore it. she suddenly felt her bladder was full, it was the perfect opportunity.

she managed to get to the other side of the bed with the cane but she decided to ditch it on her way to the bathroom and used the doorway for stability.

she flushed the toilet and washed her hands before making her way back to bed. now she was tired and her legs stung, but she did it she walked with and without the cane.

"You can come back in now!" she yelled as she relaxed against the padded headboard and waited for the pain in her legs to subside.

"I didn't hear anything or anyone fall, did you use the cane?" he asked. "Yeah, but then I had to go to the bathroom so I left it in here and I was fine," she said.

"That's great, Mer, but you don't seem too happy," he spoke as he moved to sit next to her on the bed.

"I am happy, but it's just the beginning and I still have a long way to go, I'm not even close it walking without you watching me like a hawk," she said.

"You'll get there, it'll take time but you'll get there. Do you want anything to eat?" he asked. "No, I already ate what you brought me earlier," she said.

"Okay, well Violet is going to come in here to read you a bedtime story and Madeleine wants you to look over her paper for school, I read it but she doesn't seem to trust my opinion so she wants to run it by you," he said.

"Okay, it's not like I have anything else to do and I'm too tired to sleep," she said. "Once you get better we can get back to things and everything can go back to normal," he said. he kissed her lips before picking up a book.

A few minutes later they heard a few small knocks on the door before it slowly opened and Violet peeked through to check they were asleep.

Once she noticed they were both awake she ran into the room and hopped onto the bed.

"Can I read you guys a bedtime story?!" She exclaimed.

"Of course, sweetheart," she placed her phone down and gave her all her attention.

After a long story about a princess trapped in a castle and a prince who saved the princess Violet became more tired than Meredith and Derek.

Her eyes became heavy and she laid her head down in her father's lap and fell asleep.

While Derek took Violet back to her bed Madeleine came into the room.

"Meredith, can you look over my school paper before I hand it in?" She asked softly.

"Yes, of course, sweetie. Come here," she replied. She nodded and sat on the bed and handed her the paper.

She read over it a few times and took note of some things. She took Madeleine what she should keep and what she could change.

Once they were finished they said their good nights and Madeleine went to bed. Once Derek came back from tucking in Violet they also went to bed.
Words: 940



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